There is a home evasion and the home owner runs out of his bedroom to see what the noise is and is shot and killed. My observation was that although running towards a commotion is a normal reaction is is an erroneous one. It is far better to hide in his room and call the police. One man took me to task for that response. I suppose many gun owners think they can be heroes just because they have a gun. My contention is that the man is dead. If he had a gun he could have used it for protection if someone had broken into his bedroom but the truth is, no matter how big your gun you are safer if the criminal does not know you are there. The police have a much better chance of catching the burglars while the crime is going on than they do after the criminals have left.
If you shoot and kill one of the crooks, then it is possible you could be charged with a crime yourself. In this case the home owner may not have had a gun nor access to it if he did. Regardless, he is dead. But this is a normal reaction for many people. How many times in old TV shows does the homeowners hear a noise while in their bed and the wife urges the husband "to go see what is going on". What if they called the police in stead of going to see?
There was another story that piqued my interest last week. A youth pastor pulled a gun and shoot dead his wife, her daughter and the daughters husband. As you know on MSN one cannot comment on articles. I suppose it's a good thing because so many comments are just emotional or reactionary responses and have no reasonable thought behind them. In the first story I mentioned some one involved was a black American and most of the comments were anti-black From the comments I assume the victim was white because people kept asking where was Al Sharpton. The color of the people involved in that crime doe not change human nature but does fuel hatred.
The reaction of people in the second story, I have been told, was anti-Christian. It is a shame that a pastor was involved in a crime. We must remember that he is human. One does not reach faithful maturity at conversion. People join churches for many reasons and some even become church leaders and never really become true believers. Christianity is really not a religion. It is a relationship. It is not a set of rules or a moral code. And what we get ourselves involved in does not change who Christ is.
I know Christianity has fallen out of favor in recent history beginning when Madam O'Hare got prayer banned from school and schools started teaching evolution. I have never understood evolution. If animal life began as a single cell animal that could divide itself then what was the motivation to change? And if that life was so bad as needing to evolve why do single cell animals still exist? Evolution talks about animals changing but when di one change into a plant? Plants are an entirely different life form than animals and the chances of one kind of life form coming into existence from nothing boggles ones mind but to have two is outrageous. Then to have both at the same time is beyond belief and then to discover that both life forms have the ability to evolve; preposterous.
I know the idea that God has always existed is difficult for many to fathom but those same people readily accept the Big Bang as fact. But if something did not already exist then what could possibly
interacted with something else that didn't exist and magically create everything else that didn't exist. Amazingly all that stuff that suddenly came into existence from nothing lives in perfect harmony with other things that didn't exist.
If someone wants to have a serious conversation I'm willing to talk. But if all one ones to do is poke fun at my beliefs and call me names then there isn't anything to talk about.
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