The world is a wonderful and wondrous place and man has always wondered how it came to be. Early man accepted the belief that a god created all that exists or at least controlled life. Some people believed in many gods and some believed in only one God.
The conflict between man and God has always been that man wanted to be the captain of his soul and the master of his fate but God said man was created for God's pleasure. For thousands of years the question was not whether God existed but whose God is the real God. But for the last 100 years man has begun to question and finally to deny the existence of God and has come to accept the theory of evolution and the Big Bang theory as facts. I can fully understand and appreciate that.
It makes perfect since that one put their faith into science and to believe that everything that exists was created in an instance when two forces that couldn't exist if there were nothing collided. People think that God is a fantasy because He is quiet and they can't see, feel, or touch Him. The truth is few people even know that I exist and some that do question things that have happened to me even though I know them to be true.
As I understand the theory of evolution as a result of nothing colliding with itself and creating something (everything that exists I have been told) and creating a previously non existent world in which there was water, rocks, and little creatures composed of a single cell that could divide itself into two parts and make a friend. I don't know what the single cell creatures ate but apparently that was created also at the time of the big explosion (which everyone know that explosions nearly always destroy stuff). The for some unknown reason one of these single cell animals didn't divide but got stuck together as a two celled animal and decided it liked that. The two celled creature could survive better because it was bigger and could therefore control more of the food source, what ever that was. Maybe it could have been each other, no one ever said that I am aware of.
I suppose some of the other single cell creatures liked what they saw in the twin celled creature and decided to duplicate that maneuver. I'm not sure how they thought since a brain would have required it's own cell which can't exist in a single cell creature but I'm supposed to accept that because God doesn't communicate with us ( I think He might be more inclined to if we believed he existed).
Anyway as more and more single celled creatures became twin celled creatures (why some didn't has never been explained to me) some of the twins decided that if two is better than one perhaps more than two is better than just two. If they could just become three or more celled creatures maybe they could have a real brain so that's what they did. Some of the other creatures liked what they saw and some other thought that multiple cells were a good idea but they wanted a different configuration so all these little creatures started becoming what they thought was a superior life form. One day one of the creatures got tired of all the hassle in the water and decided to crawl out of the water and see what was on the dry land and so it did.
One of the other creatures saw what the first one did and decided to see what it was up two so it crawled out of the water also. The first one didn't liked the second one joining it on land so chased it up a tree (where trees came from we are never told. maybe the algae the single celled creatures were eating got tired of being lunch so they changed into something else although even trees don't have brains and so are not capable of making decisions. But of course many the big bang created all vegetation but only single celled creatures so there would be a food source available or the multiple-celled creatures that would eventually crawl out of the water and need a food source. But then that would require planning for the future and I don't know how two non existent forces could have ever thought of that. If they could have then they would have been gods.) Once up a tree the creatures needed a way to navigate from place to place so some thought long tails would be a good idea while other thought wings would work better.
Eventually one of the tree creatures with the long tail got tired of swinging in the trees and decided
to come down. It had realized that a brain was better than a tail so it grew it's brain larger and walked upright so it could use it's hands for something useful. One day it realized it didn't need it's tail anymore so that disappeared. What I don't understand is why this big brained creature that no walked upright thought it a good idea to get rid of it's protective hair, fur, or features, whatever it had and become naked and vulnerable to changes it the weather and the harsh effects of the sun and then have to find another way to clothed itself by killing other creatures and making something out of plants.
It seems for the first time this creature which finally got a brain capable of making decisions (so it believes but teaches us that single celled creatures did) and thought itself to be superior because it walked upright and had opposable thumbs made a bad decision.
One would think after millions of years to develop from a single celled creature into a walking talking creature with opposable thumbs that in the millions of years since then that this creature would know better than to put stuff into itself that would after the way this brain worked, especially such a substance as would take control of that brain. It seems this creature evolved to the point that it could not longer improve upon itself and decided to self destruct.
If this creature has evolved to it's highest form then it will eventually wipe itself out by destroying itself with the desire to have more and with it's own discoveries and inventions. .
This creature has only one hope of continuing to exist and the hope is God, the everlasting Father, the Creator of all. The way to this father is through Jesus Christ who died on the cross of Calvary to provide a way for this creature to escape the trap it made for itself.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Simpleb equals nightmare
I installed a new chandelier over the dinner table but the lights (new LED's) were so bright (How bright were they Johnny?) that they were annoying so my wife asked me to put in a dimmer switch. I finally got around to getting one Wednesday and made an attempt to install it but when I pulled out the old light switch I had no idea how to proceed. I just shoved everything back into the wall and turned the power back on but my new chandelier didn't come on.
My wife called the electrician to install the dimmer switch and he also had to take my chandelier down. As much trouble as I had installing it, I was afraid he'd never get it back up but he had it fixed and reinstalled in just a few minutes. He said the company would send me a bill. I'm dreading that as I know electricians aren't cheap. .
My wife called the electrician to install the dimmer switch and he also had to take my chandelier down. As much trouble as I had installing it, I was afraid he'd never get it back up but he had it fixed and reinstalled in just a few minutes. He said the company would send me a bill. I'm dreading that as I know electricians aren't cheap. .
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Puzzle complete
The headline says it all. I just coated the puzzle with puzzle glue and will do the backside once the top is dry then it will be suitable for framing.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Thursday, January 18, 2018
puzzle progress
I had a very good puzzle day putting together around 40 pieces. I have now completed 720 pieces. Just 280 to go. I still am unable to connect the lighthouse with the ocean, Nothing seems to fit.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Sexless Marriage
A couple were just united in marriage in a Las Vegas wedding (attended by the President's daughter)but it wasn't a union created in love but just because they feel a deep friendship. They do not intend to have sex with each other but will continue to live their lives as if they were not married. The article says "experts" think this is a good idea.
I think it is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of.
I think it is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
This word is used to describe someone who is perceived as hypersensitive because their feelings are as fragile as a snowflake. Liberals are most often referred to as snowflakes because there's a misconception that they can't handle when someone disagrees with their views. Here's a suggestion though: Instead of reverting to calling people names, how about having civilized conversations where people listen and try to understand one another's views? Check out the list of insults that have been reinvented as compliments.
Is it a puzzle or a mystery?
'I am the light" by Danny Hahlbohm is the featured art in a 1,000 piece puzzle produced by S8unsout. The scene is a light house a night during rough seas with the image of a pair of hands in the background. For the most part the puzzle is blue and black. The rocks have streaks of gold and some of the water has green in it but for 90% of the puzzle is just various shades of blue. many pieces are solid blue or solid black.
Putting together a 1,000 piece puzzle is a challenge in and of itself but through in solid colors and it because more difficult. But it isn't the one color theme that makes this puzzle so challenging . It's the interchangeable pieces. I put together a whole section of border and two layers of pieces underneath that only to discover that none of the pieces were in the correct place. I have never put together a puzzle with so many pieces that fit where they didn't belong.
I'm not a puzzle champ by any means but I have put together my fair share of puzzles and many of them difficult but it would take an Adrian Monk to be considered competent with this one. I've already been at this one a month and I am about 50% done. I finally managed to get the light house connect with the border but only after discovering the border and surrounding pieces were put together wrong even though they fit together perfectly.
My goal is 10 pieces a day. Today I thought I had my 10 pieces but after discovering the error I may have backed up some. Well, tomorrow is another day.
Putting together a 1,000 piece puzzle is a challenge in and of itself but through in solid colors and it because more difficult. But it isn't the one color theme that makes this puzzle so challenging . It's the interchangeable pieces. I put together a whole section of border and two layers of pieces underneath that only to discover that none of the pieces were in the correct place. I have never put together a puzzle with so many pieces that fit where they didn't belong.
I'm not a puzzle champ by any means but I have put together my fair share of puzzles and many of them difficult but it would take an Adrian Monk to be considered competent with this one. I've already been at this one a month and I am about 50% done. I finally managed to get the light house connect with the border but only after discovering the border and surrounding pieces were put together wrong even though they fit together perfectly.
My goal is 10 pieces a day. Today I thought I had my 10 pieces but after discovering the error I may have backed up some. Well, tomorrow is another day.
Wednesday, January 03, 2018
What shall the New Year Bring?
We all have renewed hope in a New Year that things will get better. at least for us. We have hope that there will be peace in the world, safety in our neighborhood, a better job, an increased salary, better health, less expenses, happier relationships, and a more satisfying life. One famous novel began :It was the worst of times, it was the best of times". That is true for all of us. Those of us going through the roughest patches of our lives will find that not all is bad and those going through the best of times will find that not all is perfect. Things can always get worse and things could always be better.
A man once said "Life is not all about what happens to us but about how we react to it." In others words, our attitude means more than our circumstances. There are many sad rich people and there are happy poor people. Some with many worldly goods have no real friends and many with plenty of friends have few worldly goods. Both will admit that friends are far more important that things. Some people make the mistake of thinking the way to get friends is to have things.
A valuable lesson that I have learned is that there is one friend who will never forsake you and that friend is Jesus Christ. Being a Christian is not about church attendance although Christ does expect us to go as often as we can. It is not about being good or doing good deeds although Christ does expect us to be good and to be good to our neighbors, friends and foes alike. Being a Christian is not about reading your Bible although Christ does want us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. Christianity is not about religion but it is about having a relationship to God through Jesus Christ.
The only way to assure oneself of a better new year is to draw closer to Christ. From a worldly point of view a Christian may have a very bad year but he may still be filled with joy because he has a good relationship with Christ. Remember, a relationship with Christ is far better than anything this world has to offer.
A man once said "Life is not all about what happens to us but about how we react to it." In others words, our attitude means more than our circumstances. There are many sad rich people and there are happy poor people. Some with many worldly goods have no real friends and many with plenty of friends have few worldly goods. Both will admit that friends are far more important that things. Some people make the mistake of thinking the way to get friends is to have things.
A valuable lesson that I have learned is that there is one friend who will never forsake you and that friend is Jesus Christ. Being a Christian is not about church attendance although Christ does expect us to go as often as we can. It is not about being good or doing good deeds although Christ does expect us to be good and to be good to our neighbors, friends and foes alike. Being a Christian is not about reading your Bible although Christ does want us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. Christianity is not about religion but it is about having a relationship to God through Jesus Christ.
The only way to assure oneself of a better new year is to draw closer to Christ. From a worldly point of view a Christian may have a very bad year but he may still be filled with joy because he has a good relationship with Christ. Remember, a relationship with Christ is far better than anything this world has to offer.
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