We all have renewed hope in a New Year that things will get better. at least for us. We have hope that there will be peace in the world, safety in our neighborhood, a better job, an increased salary, better health, less expenses, happier relationships, and a more satisfying life. One famous novel began :It was the worst of times, it was the best of times". That is true for all of us. Those of us going through the roughest patches of our lives will find that not all is bad and those going through the best of times will find that not all is perfect. Things can always get worse and things could always be better.
A man once said "Life is not all about what happens to us but about how we react to it." In others words, our attitude means more than our circumstances. There are many sad rich people and there are happy poor people. Some with many worldly goods have no real friends and many with plenty of friends have few worldly goods. Both will admit that friends are far more important that things. Some people make the mistake of thinking the way to get friends is to have things.
A valuable lesson that I have learned is that there is one friend who will never forsake you and that friend is Jesus Christ. Being a Christian is not about church attendance although Christ does expect us to go as often as we can. It is not about being good or doing good deeds although Christ does expect us to be good and to be good to our neighbors, friends and foes alike. Being a Christian is not about reading your Bible although Christ does want us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. Christianity is not about religion but it is about having a relationship to God through Jesus Christ.
The only way to assure oneself of a better new year is to draw closer to Christ. From a worldly point of view a Christian may have a very bad year but he may still be filled with joy because he has a good relationship with Christ. Remember, a relationship with Christ is far better than anything this world has to offer.
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