Of course I think different than you young folks. I was raised differently, taught different things, and developed different values because I had different experiences. Even so, we are more alike than different because we have the same needs and desires and the same truths apply equally to the young and the old.
The two biggest differences I see between people my age and people under 25 are the relationship we have with drugs and the relationship we have with Christ. Drugs, including marijuana, were something that was used by the hard core criminal element. It wasn't until the mid sixties that illegal drugs started gaining in popularity and that was so mostly due to protesting of the war in Vietnam. In the fifties almost everyone belonged to a church and half those people who belonged could be found in a church somewhere on Sunday morning. Things were so different back then that the only curse word ever uttered on film was in the movie "Gone with the Wind"
There were lots of things wrong with peoples thoughts and actions back then: widespread discrimination, bullying, lead paint, lack of safety features on cars, and political corruption. It seemed that not everyone who went to church was a believer and certainly wasn't a doer of the Word.
It's been over 50 years since the United States of America took over the lead in the Vietnam War from the French and lots of things have changed. We have laws against discrimination, bullying is frowned upon, laws and attitudes are changing about drug use, lead paint is being eliminated, automobiles have plenty of safety features and soon will have no drivers, and things that were impossible 50 years ago are now common place.
Much has changed in fifty years. I'm glad we no longer have segregation but I believe the divide between the races is even wider now than ever. We still have all our old social disorders although some are shown in more subtly ways. Drug use is wide spread, drinking is more prevalent, virgins are rare, abortion is a way of life, people are way more selfish and people do not attend church and true believers are the disdain of the masses.
It is quite possible and more than likely we have just swapped one set of evils and vices for different evils and vices but just eliminated the God that held us accountable for our moral and social failures. It is about time that we get to know this God. This world is a hard place to live in and we can use God's help getting through life. Many don't believe their is a God; nevertheless that doesn't change the fact that there is one. I'm glad I grew up in a time and place where I could get to know God but the young have a greater opportunity to serve Him and more ways to do so than I ever had.
Hope to see you in church soon.
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