Sunday, September 16, 2018

Vacation's Over. It's time for church.

   Went to the mountains for the week and the weather was absolutely perfect.  The traffic was heavier than expected due to people fleeing the hurricane.  The locals were courteous drivers and we only saw one aggressive driver; some guy in a white pickup truck that thought he had to be first to where ever he was going.  However, once you got near the college, you were on your own.  The college students were discourteous and aggressive.
  The GPS on my wife's phone didn't like me.  I wanted to head from my motel to the Mast General store.  The shortest and quickest way was to turn right out of the parking lot, go 1/2 block and make a left and  go straight for two miles.  The store would have been on my right. Instead it had me make a left. go two miles and three turns then make another right on Blowing Rock Road and then drive the two miles back to the store.
   The only time the GPS had me turn right out of the parking lot was the one time that turning left would have been quicker.  Once, we were headed to the Moses cone Estate on the Blue Ridge Parkway and the GPS sent me winding through backroads and residential neighborhoods and then into desolate areas where the roads were not even paved.  It got us there however freaky the route and we had a good time, which was what was important anyway.
   Spectacular September is half over with two preachers down and two to go.  The first one was kind of hyper and had the ability to work the congregation into a frenzy.  I'm not a big fan of this style of preaching because so often it consists of a series of well worn phrases that are designed to get one excited and contains little or no real substance but this preacher had a really good message to go with his delivery.  Well done.
The first preacher was young and has been a pastor only 6 years, the second week we saw an older man (56) who has been pastor at the same church for twenty of those years.  His style was more of a teacher and he used a lot of illustrations.  The first preacher came on the 4th and the second was there on the 11th.  They were both good and I can remember what they both preached about.  Most people can't tell anyone what the sermon was about by the time they get home for lunch so they had to have been good messages.
  The third installment is this coming Tuesday night, the 18th.  I have no idea what to expect accept another good message is spite of the delivery style.  But before then, we are having our regular church service this morning.  Will you join us?

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