It is common belief that if one's blood sugar reading is high they must have eaten to many sweets but that isn't necessarily so. Salt can raise your blood sugar too but so can stress, medicines and, believe it or not, not eating at all. I missed 5 meals Monday and Tuesday to prepare for a medical procedure but still recorded my highest glucose reading in over six months. Thursday I was feeling bad, had a high fever (104) chills and was shaking so bad I kept covered with three blankets. I'm not used to not feeling well so I hoped it would go away but yesterday I found myself in the ER. My temperature was 103.9 when I first got there but after treatment it dropped to 99.
I had taken my wife to lunch Thursday and felt find but the illness set it shortly thereafter (there is no connection) Of course I missed my evening meal, and didn't eat anything all day and the only liquids I took was water. Last night after getting home I did have a serving of sugar free pudding to take with my medicine. My reading this morning was 488.
My doctor told me that if one's blood sugar drops to low at night that their body will often covert stored energy to glucose and possible giving one a higher reading in the morning even though no food was consumed during the night. I think that may be why my reading is so high. I've lost 6 pounds this week due to fasting and sickness. I believe my body has converted the stored fat into glucose thereby raising my blood sugar. Add on stop of that stress, and the effects of the medication and it is understandable why it is so high.
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