Monday, April 15, 2019

Getting slack in my old age

  I know I haven't posted much recently but I have been battling health issues.  It started with a routine colonostrophy (sp) That was hardly over when I contracepted a viral infection  which left me with extreme chills, a 104 degree temp and the desire to do nothings.  After several shots and antibiotics I began to feel some better but my stomach has been queasy ever since, somedays to the point of wanting to stay near a toilet but fortunately it hasn't come to that yet.
  The Doctor said I was anemic but my iron levels were fine.  Some days I am fine and some days I just have to stay in bed, rest and try to stay warm.  I was scheduled to see my regular doctor on the 22nd but he is on vacation so my appointment has been put off until the end of May.  Except for type II diabetes which I have under control except for a brief period of time I have been a pretty healthy guy.  But since I had my cancer surgery but body seems to have given up on me.
   I don't know what the immediate or long range future holds but God does so I'll trust Him and leave myself to His care.  What ever happens to me is for God's best interest and mine as well.  Like Paul stated :"To be absent from the body is gain."

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