There is so much animosity between racist. Few lay claim to being racist yet what happens in the world and what goes on behind closed doors shows that racism is more alive than most will admit. Sometimes we do things that can be deemed racist that we really don't think are but in reality are. Sometimes we are perceived to have committed a racist act when indeed we did not.
I find the same attitudes are prevalent in other areas of life as well. Most people consider themselves good and yet they regularly practice what the bible labels as sin yet they deny that they are sinners. Yet the bible says that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
As long as we live in denial we can never drawn near to God and as long as we live in denial we can never solve the race issue.
The truth is I am a racist. It is not always a bad thing and it is a good thing that I admit the truth. Knowing what I am my nature helps me to take steps to fight my natural instincts and make better decisions. I am also a sinner. Recognizing the truth about myself helps me deal with my sin problem. I find the best way to deal with both issues is to immerse myself in God's word and put God's word into me.
By becoming a follower of God I learn how to resist temptations and also how to love my fellow man. But until we recognize the truth about ourselves, we can never be whom we should be.
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