Some people are so righteous that any attempt to give suggestions only results in their turning their vile temper on the person who cares and only wanted to help. Knowing the outcome before hand makes one really hesitant to say anything, even if it isn't meant to criticize but to offer support and help.
"You are so vain you probably think this is about you.'
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Obama Nation

In the socialist utopian world, we find stories like Lisbeth Koelster convicted of killing a fish in Denmark. She is a TV anchorman who placed shampoo in a goldfish aquarium bowl four years ago in a demonstration for her audience.
Lisbeth Koelster, Convicted Guppy Murderer
In such a society where people cede virtually all power to the state, the government will wickedly begin to decide everything for you. Big Brother will decide how much money CEOs should make, which cars should be made, and who should go to jail for flushing a fish. So it is in Denmark. Beware, dear citizens, the socialists currently squatting in Washington for change is a-coming.
So now we have Danish TV anchor Lisbeth Koelster who was doing a reasonable presentation on television in 2004. She added 3 ounces of Obama Shampoo to a goldfish bowl as a scientific experiment to show that the shampoo (Terva brand, actually) was a tad toxic. Sure enough, within three short days most of the poor guppies had perished. A good consumer awareness report if there ever was one.
Sensing a new power opportunity for the state, Denmark launched a fish rescue plan by prosecuting the maligned Lisbeth Koelster, who was just doing her job as a consumer reporter. She was eventually convicted for animal cruelty. You can read the full report in native tongue here.
So when the car companies are finally saved by the ruling princes, and we are all driving tin Obamobiles, what is to become of us insignificant pet owners and the fishes? Curious to hear reader comments about Lisbeth Koelster, convicted of killing guppies, and the long arm of a socialist state.
Friday, May 22, 2009
A rose by any other name is still a rose
Women and men and those that are neither (or both, depending on how one views them) have been advertiseing on Craigslist under erotic services. Those services can be legal message but more often than not were ads for on-line prostitution. Now that Craigslist has agreed to eliminate this section, many feared prostitution would be driven back onto the streets were these women would be forced into more dangerous situations and would have to work side by side with less wholesome mentally-ll and/or addicted street girls. Not to worry. They are adults.
As adults, these people have the right to advertise in the new "adult" section. The new section doesn't allow the code words, or even hints at what th people, mostly women, are advertising, but most ads post pictures and there is little doubt that what is being advertised und the adult section is the same thing that was under erotic. Same pictures are on the new site.
As adults, these people have the right to advertise in the new "adult" section. The new section doesn't allow the code words, or even hints at what th people, mostly women, are advertising, but most ads post pictures and there is little doubt that what is being advertised und the adult section is the same thing that was under erotic. Same pictures are on the new site.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Response to Courier Tribune article
"If you are not cheating, you're not trying hard enough" Kipp C Schauble
That is not his quote but a quote from his column in the Asheboro, NC paper on Friday May 15, 2009 in which he suggests that using performnace enchancing drugs in college to help one pull a cram study session in order to improve ones grades is justified and acceptable behavior if the end result is a better job in the future.
My response follows:
A Prescription For Cheating: A Reply
While this column is not an out and out endorcement of cheating via taking performance enhancing drugs, it does leave one with the impression that doing so in an effort to secure better employment opportunities for ones future is acceptable behavior. I seriously doubt that the retention of information gleamed from drug aided all-nighters is long lasting.
I believe the best method of learning is repetition. Physical activities are enhanced by repetition and so are mental activities. We learned the multiplication table by repeating it over and over. I learned my colors, writing, and most everything I know today by this method. Little of what I learned in cram sessions is retained in my brain.
I once had an economics professor who had never had a student earn an A in his class and he had been teaching for decades. I wanted to be the first. I started at the library and found books on how to study. I followed the formula in one of those books and in the end I got that A. The Dean of the college called me into his office. He congratulated me, remarking he “didn't realize I was that smart.” Proper study techniques trump cram sessions in both the amount of information retained and the length of retention.
I can't accept the argument that illegally taking medication compares equally with drinking too much coffee. Neither can I accept the premise that cheating via performance enhancing medications that are not prescribed to the student is acceptable or justified if the end results in a better job for that person.
For every person who obtains a job as a result of cheating, there is another person who is denied employment that may have deserved that job.
I would rather see a physician that actually learned his medicine than one who received good grades aided by illegally dispensed medications. I hope that cop that pulls me over actually knows what he is doing and is not using performance enhancing, mind altering drugs to help him get that promotion he wants. I hope that whenever I'm faced with a life and death situation on the highway that I have a clear head and know exactly what to do to give me the best chance to live. I just won't have time to pop a pill and read the driver's manual.
Maybe mandatory drug testing should be required of all students making an A on a final exam.
That is not his quote but a quote from his column in the Asheboro, NC paper on Friday May 15, 2009 in which he suggests that using performnace enchancing drugs in college to help one pull a cram study session in order to improve ones grades is justified and acceptable behavior if the end result is a better job in the future.
My response follows:
A Prescription For Cheating: A Reply
While this column is not an out and out endorcement of cheating via taking performance enhancing drugs, it does leave one with the impression that doing so in an effort to secure better employment opportunities for ones future is acceptable behavior. I seriously doubt that the retention of information gleamed from drug aided all-nighters is long lasting.
I believe the best method of learning is repetition. Physical activities are enhanced by repetition and so are mental activities. We learned the multiplication table by repeating it over and over. I learned my colors, writing, and most everything I know today by this method. Little of what I learned in cram sessions is retained in my brain.
I once had an economics professor who had never had a student earn an A in his class and he had been teaching for decades. I wanted to be the first. I started at the library and found books on how to study. I followed the formula in one of those books and in the end I got that A. The Dean of the college called me into his office. He congratulated me, remarking he “didn't realize I was that smart.” Proper study techniques trump cram sessions in both the amount of information retained and the length of retention.
I can't accept the argument that illegally taking medication compares equally with drinking too much coffee. Neither can I accept the premise that cheating via performance enhancing medications that are not prescribed to the student is acceptable or justified if the end results in a better job for that person.
For every person who obtains a job as a result of cheating, there is another person who is denied employment that may have deserved that job.
I would rather see a physician that actually learned his medicine than one who received good grades aided by illegally dispensed medications. I hope that cop that pulls me over actually knows what he is doing and is not using performance enhancing, mind altering drugs to help him get that promotion he wants. I hope that whenever I'm faced with a life and death situation on the highway that I have a clear head and know exactly what to do to give me the best chance to live. I just won't have time to pop a pill and read the driver's manual.
Maybe mandatory drug testing should be required of all students making an A on a final exam.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Hope for America
Obama promised to bring change to America, He was billed as the candidate of hope.
For the first time in American history, the percentage of people claiming to be believers has declined, we accept abortion as a right, many are wanting to legal gay unions (it's just a matter of time), and marijuna is now being touted as the one thing that can turn the US economy around.
True, America has changed and is countinuing to change. My question: is there still hope?
For the first time in American history, the percentage of people claiming to be believers has declined, we accept abortion as a right, many are wanting to legal gay unions (it's just a matter of time), and marijuna is now being touted as the one thing that can turn the US economy around.
True, America has changed and is countinuing to change. My question: is there still hope?
Thursday, May 07, 2009
swine flu and pork
Believe it or not, people have quit buying pork because they are afraid of the swine flu. Will they quick buying chicken if we have a bird flu outbreak?
People are so silly.
People are so silly.
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