Women and men and those that are neither (or both, depending on how one views them) have been advertiseing on Craigslist under erotic services. Those services can be legal message but more often than not were ads for on-line prostitution. Now that Craigslist has agreed to eliminate this section, many feared prostitution would be driven back onto the streets were these women would be forced into more dangerous situations and would have to work side by side with less wholesome mentally-ll and/or addicted street girls. Not to worry. They are adults.
As adults, these people have the right to advertise in the new "adult" section. The new section doesn't allow the code words, or even hints at what th people, mostly women, are advertising, but most ads post pictures and there is little doubt that what is being advertised und the adult section is the same thing that was under erotic. Same pictures are on the new site.
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