In the socialist utopian world, we find stories like Lisbeth Koelster convicted of killing a fish in Denmark. She is a TV anchorman who placed shampoo in a goldfish aquarium bowl four years ago in a demonstration for her audience.
Lisbeth Koelster, Convicted Guppy Murderer
In such a society where people cede virtually all power to the state, the government will wickedly begin to decide everything for you. Big Brother will decide how much money CEOs should make, which cars should be made, and who should go to jail for flushing a fish. So it is in Denmark. Beware, dear citizens, the socialists currently squatting in Washington for change is a-coming.
So now we have Danish TV anchor Lisbeth Koelster who was doing a reasonable presentation on television in 2004. She added 3 ounces of Obama Shampoo to a goldfish bowl as a scientific experiment to show that the shampoo (Terva brand, actually) was a tad toxic. Sure enough, within three short days most of the poor guppies had perished. A good consumer awareness report if there ever was one.
Sensing a new power opportunity for the state, Denmark launched a fish rescue plan by prosecuting the maligned Lisbeth Koelster, who was just doing her job as a consumer reporter. She was eventually convicted for animal cruelty. You can read the full report in native tongue here.
So when the car companies are finally saved by the ruling princes, and we are all driving tin Obamobiles, what is to become of us insignificant pet owners and the fishes? Curious to hear reader comments about Lisbeth Koelster, convicted of killing guppies, and the long arm of a socialist state.
credit: http://www.rightpundits.com/?p=3951
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