I read in the Wednesday edition of the Greensboro N & R an article on cyberstalking. It was especially interesting in that it was about a man who is proud to smell like body waste and Randolph County's own Dr. J., who is my cyber friend.
I have to admit that the first time I read her blog I thought she was an ill mannered, ill-tempered crackpot and about as much of a doctor as Doc Watson. She is just one of those writers that draws people to them so I kept reading, like so many folks from Greensboro do. But unlike the folks from Greensboro, I did something else. I ran her links, researched her claims. looked into her sources, and read related articles. Not only did she have a credible complaint, there is a strong likelihood that she is the victim she claims to be.
Knowing the truth and being able to prove it in court are two different things. I can understand the local DA's position in not wanting to get involved. If he takes on two of the most influential men in the county and loses, his career may well end up in the toilet where he will have to smell Dr. J's cyberstalker for the remainder of one of their lives. Better, thinks he, to offend the good doctor than to antagonize the men who can ruin his career.
That is not the proper choice but it is understandable. Then again, the choice could be one of pure economics. There is only so much time and money to work with so the responsible thing to do would be to concentrate on the more influential, vital, and winnable cases. After all, would wouldn't citizens rather have their DA prosecute four athletes based on the word of a stripper than save the career of a baby doctor? Just think about it, if Marcie Clark had won her big case she might have been governor.
I just don't understand how harassing someone can ever be for their own good and neither can I understand the apparent need someone has to bully other people. I don't use the word bully lightly either.
There is a certain blogger who lives (in my opinion) is a sugar coated fantasy world and she makes me ill ever time I've read her blog. I don't read her blog. If Greensboro bloggers think Dr. J is a crackpot, why give her the time of day? If no one paid attention, she would eventually go away, at least out of their way. No, they love to argue with her to prove she is wrong or that they are smarter or more important, or for what ever reason a bully baits people for.
I know. I'm the real unbalanced on in the blogosphere and I'm totally ignored. When I started gathering a local group of readers, I withdrew into my own little corner. Only one person cared enough to find me. That is a friend. I've never seen or talked to Dr. J and would not know her if we stood side by side. I know her well enough that I can be reading comments on a blog and I know within the first six words of a response that it was penned by Dr. J.
I'm sure there are many of you who may think Dr. J is wrong for charging a fellow bully blogger with cyberstalking. I might respect your opinon if you said it wasn't cyberstalking and can support your claims. But to said she is wrong to charge someone with the crime just because you don't like her is silly and immature.
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