The movie Sherlock Holmes ad extolls Homes as the world's greatest mind. Yeah, right.
Sure he was intelligent and highly organized and he documented many things that aided him in his work as a detective, but what he is most famous for is his obsevation abilities and the ability to draw correct, or near correct, conclusions from simple things. From a pair of glasses, he was able to tell the sex, age, and looks of a suspect as well as how often she had been to see her optrometrist.
But even Sherlock admitted that his keen obsevation skills were no match for his brothers. "But the elder Homes was fat and lazy, and wealthy, and sat around the mens club and smoked cigars all day.
I draw the line at brilliant when a man indulges in tobacco (pipe and cigarette) as well as cocaine, which Holmes did. He wasn't a rich man and was probably middle class or a little below in income. He would have been much better off financially to have run a detective school or to have been a free-lance teacher of crime fighting techniques than to rely upon his skills for income.
I know that is a contridiction of the belief that those who can do, does that can't
teach. The best teachers are the ones who have already accomplished great things.
Holmes was observiant, intellignet, and accomplished but far from the worlds most brilliant mind.
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