Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Randleman is growing.
A new Waffle House opened in Randleman not long ago, McDonalds was razed and is being rebuilt bigger than before (one can only hope for better but McDonald's is what it is), and a new financial institution (SECU)is being built on Academy, and if the bidding war is over on the land the rescue squad sits on, we may be getting a new super gas station.
smart mouth comments
My younger brother had a reputation for making smartassed comments. Dad called him a mealy mouth. As an adult I have developed a reputation for making those kinds of comments but usually I do so only to provoke humor and seldom do I make those comments directly to the person they concern. I think though, I have to take my hat off to Obama for being the new champion of smart asses for his comment to John McCain.
I really don't think that distinction is anything to be pround of. In fact, I know it's not.
I really don't think that distinction is anything to be pround of. In fact, I know it's not.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Free Cell 26629
Now and then I get a game I think might be my downfall and 26629 seemed to be it but with patience it turned out to be victory number 230.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Dr. Earl Bradley
A Peditrician from Delaware has been indicted for sexually abusing his patients. What he is accused of doing is so sickening I'm not going to write another word about him.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I live in the small town of Randleman which has to be home of the largest percentage of aggressive drivers in the world. It seems that each day when I hit 220 North from Randleman the driver behind me in intent on pushing me out of his/her way. I do drive a small car but I am not a slow driver. I accelerate to a descent speed (normally 65 mph) and pick my spot to merge with ongoing traffic. But that just doesn't seem to be good enough as the driver behind me will whip around and pass me before I have merged onto 220 or ride my bumper as if to express their irratation that I am not doing 85.
People, the sign with numbers on it is not the minimun speed you are supposed to be driving but the maximum.
Oh, and don't get me started on those asshole people from Greensboro. I work on Friendly but bel;ieve me, that is only a location, not an attitude. I noticed years ago that people from Greensboro have a special attitude not found anywhere else in the good ole USA (or the world for that matter). I dubbed it the Greensboro attitute almost thirty years ago when I first moved to this area. And that isn't a compliment. The people there really suck, weather they be the upper crust of society or the scrapping off the bottom of the barrell. It was no surprise to me that Greensboro residents were selected as the unhappiest in North Carolina.
People, the sign with numbers on it is not the minimun speed you are supposed to be driving but the maximum.
Oh, and don't get me started on those asshole people from Greensboro. I work on Friendly but bel;ieve me, that is only a location, not an attitude. I noticed years ago that people from Greensboro have a special attitude not found anywhere else in the good ole USA (or the world for that matter). I dubbed it the Greensboro attitute almost thirty years ago when I first moved to this area. And that isn't a compliment. The people there really suck, weather they be the upper crust of society or the scrapping off the bottom of the barrell. It was no surprise to me that Greensboro residents were selected as the unhappiest in North Carolina.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Toyota problems
It's not like I wish ill things of the japaneese auto maker but I have been so tired of hearing how the Americans can't produce cars of the same quality as foreign companies.
I think toyota just proved we can.
I think toyota just proved we can.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Spring time will come
I am ready for spring planting. Well, not for a vegetable garden yet. I guess I will start small and expend later on. Last summer I had six tomato plants. I'll have a larger garden this year but no one as big as I want.
I am growing some of my own plants. I plan to plant Hibiscus trees alone the property line in the back in between the cedar trees. On the left side of the house I have to Crypt Myrtle trees growing, one on the backside and one almost in the front. My the road I have two Fuji apple trees (I planted three but one died.) I plan to replant the third one and plant a cherry trees between the apple trees.
On the right side of the house I will plant two more peach trees. I already have 4 Fuji apple trees growing on that side. If the Hibiscus bushes don't come back this year, I will plant my Hibiscus trees I have planted from seed in their place next to the horseshoe pits.
I have a couple Cripp Pink apple trees growing, one of which I will plant in the space behind by Holly tree/Mum/tulip garden. I ordered two more grape vines to finish out my grape arbor and will plant my morning glories and Moon Flowers on the fence I put up last fall. I just have to cement all the poles in the ground.
My hyacinths are sprouting in my front flower beds. I purchased the bulbs for my gladiola/ iris garden. I know it will take a few years for everything to grow but by the time I actually retire, I should have an attractive yard.
In the front I have some dwarf bushes and some azaleas planted. How I finish that up will depend on how the various plants do.
Now if I can just get rid of the fire ants. It seems some local counties have been quarantined to prevent the spread of the ants. They are aggressive little creatures with a nasty bite.
I am growing some of my own plants. I plan to plant Hibiscus trees alone the property line in the back in between the cedar trees. On the left side of the house I have to Crypt Myrtle trees growing, one on the backside and one almost in the front. My the road I have two Fuji apple trees (I planted three but one died.) I plan to replant the third one and plant a cherry trees between the apple trees.
On the right side of the house I will plant two more peach trees. I already have 4 Fuji apple trees growing on that side. If the Hibiscus bushes don't come back this year, I will plant my Hibiscus trees I have planted from seed in their place next to the horseshoe pits.
I have a couple Cripp Pink apple trees growing, one of which I will plant in the space behind by Holly tree/Mum/tulip garden. I ordered two more grape vines to finish out my grape arbor and will plant my morning glories and Moon Flowers on the fence I put up last fall. I just have to cement all the poles in the ground.
My hyacinths are sprouting in my front flower beds. I purchased the bulbs for my gladiola/ iris garden. I know it will take a few years for everything to grow but by the time I actually retire, I should have an attractive yard.
In the front I have some dwarf bushes and some azaleas planted. How I finish that up will depend on how the various plants do.
Now if I can just get rid of the fire ants. It seems some local counties have been quarantined to prevent the spread of the ants. They are aggressive little creatures with a nasty bite.
My wife underwent knee replacement surgery Monday (her third such operation). No, she doesn't have three knees. The right knee had to be redone after the replacement knee came loose.
She is doing well and hopefully can come home Thursday.
For all you unhealthy and unhappy people in Greensboro, I am letting you know that mt wife will leave your fair city a happier and healthier person, leaving your city sadder than before.
Sorry about that.
She is doing well and hopefully can come home Thursday.
For all you unhealthy and unhappy people in Greensboro, I am letting you know that mt wife will leave your fair city a happier and healthier person, leaving your city sadder than before.
Sorry about that.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hibiscus tree

The picture at the top is of my Hibiscus tree I planted in Hickory about 9 years ago. Of course it has no leaves now but it is alive and doing well. It is about 8 feet tall and probably 5 feet across when in full bloom. The mother tree from Archdale is a bit taller, maybe 12 feet high.
The orange bloom is from a Hibiscus tree I planted last year but it is probably a tropical and may not come back this year. The purple bloom is almost the color of the ones in Archdale and Hickory and will be the color of the flower of the ones I will plant here; the ones I'm growing from seed, even though the textbook says I can't.
Poll: Obama has edge over GOP among public
It seems the Republican party has done itself irreparable harm with its Bush/McCain/Palin fiasco. No one really wants to admit they are a Republican. Callers to talk radio will admit they are a Democrat (never a liberal though) or a conservative (but not a Republican) or an unregistered voter.
I got some things wrong in my book "Feet of Clay" but not totally. In that story, Hillary won the election and screwed up the Democratic party and the country as badly as Bush screwed up the country and the Republican party. Voters reorganized themselves into two new parties that were less concerned with religious values and family values and more concerned with different approaches to solve common problems.
One might think from that that the book was a fantasy but actually it is a modernized version of the New Testament of the Holy Bible and God is actually in charge of the political, social and economic systems of the world. The main character, Olympia, is a child prodigy and has a remarkable grasp of political strategies and religion and his life parallels that of the birth and early life of Christ, up to and including his temptation in the desert.
At first it appears that he may just be the real Messiah as the Jews believe instead of Jesus, the messiah accepted by Christians. Just as the one term senator (like a one-term senator could ever get elected President of the United States of America, right?) was about to win the nomination for President of the United States of America from his party and then become an almost shoo-in for the White House, he abruptly drops out of sight only to emerge a few years later as the architect of the movement to create a one world church in a world in which religion as being viewed as more of an evil and less of a reality in the world.
After another failed assassination attempt Olympia put into operation his new energy plant that soon pulled the world out of an economic tailspin and propelled countries into a period of economic growth and property unknown before in human history. At first Olympia was viewed as a world hero but some countries soon began to realize that Olympias company, headquartered in Israel, had the ultimate goal of world domination and control
Olympia plan was much easier to implement following a world disaster in which over a third of the world's population was destroyed by a mysterious release of toxic chemicals from sea going vessels that formed a thick cloud of what could only be described as a purple haze. What was confusing to scientist studying this phenomenon was that nothing in the purple haze was actually toxic.
Just before the point in which Israel will gain control of the entire world through Olympias company, that country is attached by a rogue mid-eastern country and the national government of Israel is destroyed. Just as Israel is on the verge of collapse, the country is saved from ruin by the brillant planning of Olynpia. Not only does Olympia save Israel but his forces switch from a defensive posture to an offensive one as just as it seemed that Israel would win in a battle of world conquest, a strange image is noted in the skies above Olympias palace. The image is made the more brilliant as it was of a bright light appearing in a purple sky: the purple of the purple haze.
Before the last election, I received e-mails from people warning me that Obama was the anti-christ so I should cast my vote against him. I replied that if he was indeed the anti-christ, then he was part of God's plan for this world and I would have to cast my vote for him as I felt i had to support God and not oppose HIm.
When I penned this book, I believed the Republicans would win the election in 2008 and the Democrats would be the first to go down in flames. It seems that the reverse is true and mayve through the tea parties, a new party will be born to take the place of the Republicans. I do not know the futures of any politcal party. I do believe, however, that God is actaully in control of this world and that he has a plan that is on schedule. His will will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
I got some things wrong in my book "Feet of Clay" but not totally. In that story, Hillary won the election and screwed up the Democratic party and the country as badly as Bush screwed up the country and the Republican party. Voters reorganized themselves into two new parties that were less concerned with religious values and family values and more concerned with different approaches to solve common problems.
One might think from that that the book was a fantasy but actually it is a modernized version of the New Testament of the Holy Bible and God is actually in charge of the political, social and economic systems of the world. The main character, Olympia, is a child prodigy and has a remarkable grasp of political strategies and religion and his life parallels that of the birth and early life of Christ, up to and including his temptation in the desert.
At first it appears that he may just be the real Messiah as the Jews believe instead of Jesus, the messiah accepted by Christians. Just as the one term senator (like a one-term senator could ever get elected President of the United States of America, right?) was about to win the nomination for President of the United States of America from his party and then become an almost shoo-in for the White House, he abruptly drops out of sight only to emerge a few years later as the architect of the movement to create a one world church in a world in which religion as being viewed as more of an evil and less of a reality in the world.
After another failed assassination attempt Olympia put into operation his new energy plant that soon pulled the world out of an economic tailspin and propelled countries into a period of economic growth and property unknown before in human history. At first Olympia was viewed as a world hero but some countries soon began to realize that Olympias company, headquartered in Israel, had the ultimate goal of world domination and control
Olympia plan was much easier to implement following a world disaster in which over a third of the world's population was destroyed by a mysterious release of toxic chemicals from sea going vessels that formed a thick cloud of what could only be described as a purple haze. What was confusing to scientist studying this phenomenon was that nothing in the purple haze was actually toxic.
Just before the point in which Israel will gain control of the entire world through Olympias company, that country is attached by a rogue mid-eastern country and the national government of Israel is destroyed. Just as Israel is on the verge of collapse, the country is saved from ruin by the brillant planning of Olynpia. Not only does Olympia save Israel but his forces switch from a defensive posture to an offensive one as just as it seemed that Israel would win in a battle of world conquest, a strange image is noted in the skies above Olympias palace. The image is made the more brilliant as it was of a bright light appearing in a purple sky: the purple of the purple haze.
Before the last election, I received e-mails from people warning me that Obama was the anti-christ so I should cast my vote against him. I replied that if he was indeed the anti-christ, then he was part of God's plan for this world and I would have to cast my vote for him as I felt i had to support God and not oppose HIm.
When I penned this book, I believed the Republicans would win the election in 2008 and the Democrats would be the first to go down in flames. It seems that the reverse is true and mayve through the tea parties, a new party will be born to take the place of the Republicans. I do not know the futures of any politcal party. I do believe, however, that God is actaully in control of this world and that he has a plan that is on schedule. His will will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Karate Depot
I haven't had a bad experience purchasing anything on line until now. I tried to purchase a pedometer from Karate Depot and have neither received my item nor a satisfactory response from the company,
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Only one way
To a logical thinking person, it seems rather harsh for the Christians to believe that only through Jesus Christ can a person be saved. For 4,000 years men never heard of Jesus because he had not come to earth yet and in the two thousand years since he came, many have never heard of him nor have had the opportunity of hearing about him.
Yet the most well-known defenders of the faith will quote you the scriptures where it is written that only through Christ can a person receive salvation. "There is no other namr under heaven whereby a man can be saved. Whereby through one man sin came into the world; by one man can sin be taken away."
The bible, the holy word of God, days that we must accept Christ as our saviour in order to reeive salvation and that there is no other way. If God said it, then far be it from me to disagree. Bibical scholars and church leaders all agree that there is no other way.
But the Old Testament saints received salvation without ever hearing about Jesus. How?
It is said that their faith was counted for their rightousness. If this was done for them, why not for others. Does not the Psalmist claim that nature teaches us that God exists? So if a man accepts what nature teaches, is he not accepting what God wants him too?
There is another verse that is never quoted in dealing with this subject and that is "In the beginning was the Word...." This verse tells us that Jesus Christ is the word of God and is God, and has been God from the beginning. I believe that God speaks to man through the Bible, through nature, through other people, and through other works. One may not reognize the voice as that of Jesus but ony as the voice of God, or the word of God, or the sign of God or however one comes to the knowledge and acceptance that there is but one true Lord, that acceptance came to them as a truth from God. That truth is the Word, which is Jesus Christm our Lord and Saviour.
Just like the N.O. Saints beat the Colts in the 2010 Super Bowl is truth, that truth may have come to us because we saw the game live, we watched it on TV, we read it in the paper, we heard it on the radio, or some one told us, we got word somehow that the Saints won, the same is true about God and salvation: salvation only comes by accepting the word of God and that word is Jesus Christ, but that word came come to us in many different ways.
Yet the most well-known defenders of the faith will quote you the scriptures where it is written that only through Christ can a person receive salvation. "There is no other namr under heaven whereby a man can be saved. Whereby through one man sin came into the world; by one man can sin be taken away."
The bible, the holy word of God, days that we must accept Christ as our saviour in order to reeive salvation and that there is no other way. If God said it, then far be it from me to disagree. Bibical scholars and church leaders all agree that there is no other way.
But the Old Testament saints received salvation without ever hearing about Jesus. How?
It is said that their faith was counted for their rightousness. If this was done for them, why not for others. Does not the Psalmist claim that nature teaches us that God exists? So if a man accepts what nature teaches, is he not accepting what God wants him too?
There is another verse that is never quoted in dealing with this subject and that is "In the beginning was the Word...." This verse tells us that Jesus Christ is the word of God and is God, and has been God from the beginning. I believe that God speaks to man through the Bible, through nature, through other people, and through other works. One may not reognize the voice as that of Jesus but ony as the voice of God, or the word of God, or the sign of God or however one comes to the knowledge and acceptance that there is but one true Lord, that acceptance came to them as a truth from God. That truth is the Word, which is Jesus Christm our Lord and Saviour.
Just like the N.O. Saints beat the Colts in the 2010 Super Bowl is truth, that truth may have come to us because we saw the game live, we watched it on TV, we read it in the paper, we heard it on the radio, or some one told us, we got word somehow that the Saints won, the same is true about God and salvation: salvation only comes by accepting the word of God and that word is Jesus Christ, but that word came come to us in many different ways.
A present from Santa Claus
I wanted an apple peeler and have for a good number of years but no one wanted to get me one so this year "Santa Claus" (a.k.a. me) left me one under my Christmas tree.
I purchased it at Melvin's of Randleman (which I call Macy's). I may have been able to get one online for less or one that did more (mine peels, slices and cores ) but I helped the local economy, didn't shop at Wal-mart and got exactly what I wanted.
I seldom peel my apples but love them in a salad. Just core one and then quarter the slices and it is perfect for a salad.
If you have never been in Macy's it is worth the trip. While at it, stop in the Firestone store on the same block. You just have to check out the TV that is in the back.
It's instant time travel.
I purchased it at Melvin's of Randleman (which I call Macy's). I may have been able to get one online for less or one that did more (mine peels, slices and cores ) but I helped the local economy, didn't shop at Wal-mart and got exactly what I wanted.
I seldom peel my apples but love them in a salad. Just core one and then quarter the slices and it is perfect for a salad.
If you have never been in Macy's it is worth the trip. While at it, stop in the Firestone store on the same block. You just have to check out the TV that is in the back.
It's instant time travel.
Is Whole Foods unfair to fat employees?
Whole foods gives their employees a 20% discount but will "reward' those with a BMI of less than thirty and who do not smoke a discount of 30%, according to a recent news release.
Another grocer doesn't reward the non obese but penalizes the more than overweight and smokers. A BMI of over thirty-two and/or smoking will get one a $40.00 a week increase in health insurance cost. These costs can be limited to just a three month period if one calls the insurance company and agrees to participate in regular sessions with a "health coach".
I like the preventive medicine approach now being taken by employers. It is good for the employees health and will cost the employers less in the long run. The biggest drawn backs I have noticed to these programs is that the ones who participate tend to be the ones who are recently diagnosed with health problems and it can be financially devastating to already struggling low wage earners.
I never realized how unhealthy I ws until the company had a free health screening at the store about four or five years ago. One has not been held since.
My biggest concern about programs like this is not whether it is fair or not to bigger employees or to smokers but whether it will lead to discrimination in hiring practices. Just beause one is large and/or smokes does not mean that they are unhealthy nor does it mean that they can afford not to have a job. It stands to reason that if a employer is concerned enough about health care costs to give away 10% of its income from employee purchases, it would also encourgage, either overtly or covertly, the hiring managers to hire people they believe to be less of a health risk. It even may lead to a requirement that applicants furnish a recent physical along with their job application for common low paying jobs.
Now wouldn't that get the opponents of the Whole Foods owner in an uproar if he did that?
Another grocer doesn't reward the non obese but penalizes the more than overweight and smokers. A BMI of over thirty-two and/or smoking will get one a $40.00 a week increase in health insurance cost. These costs can be limited to just a three month period if one calls the insurance company and agrees to participate in regular sessions with a "health coach".
I like the preventive medicine approach now being taken by employers. It is good for the employees health and will cost the employers less in the long run. The biggest drawn backs I have noticed to these programs is that the ones who participate tend to be the ones who are recently diagnosed with health problems and it can be financially devastating to already struggling low wage earners.
I never realized how unhealthy I ws until the company had a free health screening at the store about four or five years ago. One has not been held since.
My biggest concern about programs like this is not whether it is fair or not to bigger employees or to smokers but whether it will lead to discrimination in hiring practices. Just beause one is large and/or smokes does not mean that they are unhealthy nor does it mean that they can afford not to have a job. It stands to reason that if a employer is concerned enough about health care costs to give away 10% of its income from employee purchases, it would also encourgage, either overtly or covertly, the hiring managers to hire people they believe to be less of a health risk. It even may lead to a requirement that applicants furnish a recent physical along with their job application for common low paying jobs.
Now wouldn't that get the opponents of the Whole Foods owner in an uproar if he did that?
Friday, February 05, 2010
Howard Stern on Idol
I don't want to watch it with Ellen Degenerate judging the tslent. If howard Stern takes Simon Cowell's place next season, a large percentage of Idols audience will quit watching.
Excuse me, I meant Degenerous, or is it Degenerass--I'm not sure--you pick one.
Excuse me, I meant Degenerous, or is it Degenerass--I'm not sure--you pick one.
Installment 96
I picked up a copy of the Rhino times last week and the firist page touted installment 96 of Black and white by jerry Bledsoe. What is special about this installment is that number 96 is the last one. It represents reporting a story over a nearly 3 and one half year time frame.
I quit reading the articles 84 installments ago.
I quit reading the articles 84 installments ago.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
News 14, Greensboro
Following is a copy of a headline from News 14 in Greensboro as published on Roadrunners home page:
School closings and delays inconvient for working parents
Exactly what does inconvient mean?
School closings and delays inconvient for working parents
Exactly what does inconvient mean?
I need a new keyboard as some of my keys stick together. I cleaned it a couple of weeks ago which helped but it didn't solve the problem.
I now have 16 Hibiscus seedlings growing. The flowers will be a light purple--lavendar I beleive is the correct color.
No cherry or peach trees yet. I hate to have to buy any but I will if I must. In years past I have been able to grow peach and cherry trees from seed but the lasttwo years I have had no luck. But I will have my fruit trees this year, one way or the other, evem if I have to forgo a new keyboard to afford them.
I now have 16 Hibiscus seedlings growing. The flowers will be a light purple--lavendar I beleive is the correct color.
No cherry or peach trees yet. I hate to have to buy any but I will if I must. In years past I have been able to grow peach and cherry trees from seed but the lasttwo years I have had no luck. But I will have my fruit trees this year, one way or the other, evem if I have to forgo a new keyboard to afford them.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Winter planting
In my back yard on the property line I planted pine trees (the cedar variety) last year and this year I plan to plant a hibiscus tree between each one. I stsarted the trees from seed in my spare bedroom and have 10 seedlings growing so far. I needed one more apple tree to take the place of the one that died last year and my apple seed has produced a seedling that is almost three inches high so far.
No action from either my cherry or peasch pits but I keep hoping.
I may start some vegatables seeds next week, maybe peppers and/or tomatoes.
No action from either my cherry or peasch pits but I keep hoping.
I may start some vegatables seeds next week, maybe peppers and/or tomatoes.
In a hurry?
Why does Obama always urge Congress to pass legislation quickly. Can't they take their time and get it right?
Is it in the numbers?
Years ago I was told that 10% of all people would lie and steal even if they did not have to and 10% of people would never ie or steal regardless of the circumstances.
Staistics say 15 out of ever 1000 girls will engage in prostitution.
It that just in the numbers or is there something that can be done to reduce those numbers. I know there is a common thread among street prostitutes in regardless to their early family life and their personality types but the numbers seem they would be skewed by those girls who are rnnaways and befriended by pimps or those girls sold by family members and put into forced prostitution.
Sometimes it is a good girl from a good family that just seems to go haywire for no apparent reason.
Do we really have an input into who and what they become or are they just who they were destined to be, just because it is in the numbers?
Staistics say 15 out of ever 1000 girls will engage in prostitution.
It that just in the numbers or is there something that can be done to reduce those numbers. I know there is a common thread among street prostitutes in regardless to their early family life and their personality types but the numbers seem they would be skewed by those girls who are rnnaways and befriended by pimps or those girls sold by family members and put into forced prostitution.
Sometimes it is a good girl from a good family that just seems to go haywire for no apparent reason.
Do we really have an input into who and what they become or are they just who they were destined to be, just because it is in the numbers?
Obama proposes tax hikes in budget
Did you really expect otherwise? President Obama acts like a poor man who just won the lottery and thinks his winning will buy and and his family and friends and neighbors everthing they ever wanted.
A business in trouble cannot go on an expansion frenzy and then expect the employees to take a pay cut to pay for the expense of expanding and yet that is exactly what Obama has done with the US Government.
I am beginning to think that as bad as Jimmy Carter was, he was better than Obama. Hell, Bush was better than Obama.
As Dan Rather would say "just1,095 days until Barrack Obama is escorted from the White House back to that political cesspool that is Chicago, Illinois.
Unless of course, enough people want to have a recall election or a do-over.
A business in trouble cannot go on an expansion frenzy and then expect the employees to take a pay cut to pay for the expense of expanding and yet that is exactly what Obama has done with the US Government.
I am beginning to think that as bad as Jimmy Carter was, he was better than Obama. Hell, Bush was better than Obama.
As Dan Rather would say "just1,095 days until Barrack Obama is escorted from the White House back to that political cesspool that is Chicago, Illinois.
Unless of course, enough people want to have a recall election or a do-over.
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