Monday, February 22, 2010


I live in the small town of Randleman which has to be home of the largest percentage of aggressive drivers in the world. It seems that each day when I hit 220 North from Randleman the driver behind me in intent on pushing me out of his/her way. I do drive a small car but I am not a slow driver. I accelerate to a descent speed (normally 65 mph) and pick my spot to merge with ongoing traffic. But that just doesn't seem to be good enough as the driver behind me will whip around and pass me before I have merged onto 220 or ride my bumper as if to express their irratation that I am not doing 85.

People, the sign with numbers on it is not the minimun speed you are supposed to be driving but the maximum.

Oh, and don't get me started on those asshole people from Greensboro. I work on Friendly but bel;ieve me, that is only a location, not an attitude. I noticed years ago that people from Greensboro have a special attitude not found anywhere else in the good ole USA (or the world for that matter). I dubbed it the Greensboro attitute almost thirty years ago when I first moved to this area. And that isn't a compliment. The people there really suck, weather they be the upper crust of society or the scrapping off the bottom of the barrell. It was no surprise to me that Greensboro residents were selected as the unhappiest in North Carolina.

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