I am ready for spring planting. Well, not for a vegetable garden yet. I guess I will start small and expend later on. Last summer I had six tomato plants. I'll have a larger garden this year but no one as big as I want.
I am growing some of my own plants. I plan to plant Hibiscus trees alone the property line in the back in between the cedar trees. On the left side of the house I have to Crypt Myrtle trees growing, one on the backside and one almost in the front. My the road I have two Fuji apple trees (I planted three but one died.) I plan to replant the third one and plant a cherry trees between the apple trees.
On the right side of the house I will plant two more peach trees. I already have 4 Fuji apple trees growing on that side. If the Hibiscus bushes don't come back this year, I will plant my Hibiscus trees I have planted from seed in their place next to the horseshoe pits.
I have a couple Cripp Pink apple trees growing, one of which I will plant in the space behind by Holly tree/Mum/tulip garden. I ordered two more grape vines to finish out my grape arbor and will plant my morning glories and Moon Flowers on the fence I put up last fall. I just have to cement all the poles in the ground.
My hyacinths are sprouting in my front flower beds. I purchased the bulbs for my gladiola/ iris garden. I know it will take a few years for everything to grow but by the time I actually retire, I should have an attractive yard.
In the front I have some dwarf bushes and some azaleas planted. How I finish that up will depend on how the various plants do.
Now if I can just get rid of the fire ants. It seems some local counties have been quarantined to prevent the spread of the ants. They are aggressive little creatures with a nasty bite.
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