My garden looks good this year what with the warm weather and recent rainfalls but this is still early June and I've never expected a ripe tomato before July but there is a nice big one that is turning already. Three or four more days and it will be ripe enough to pick. That first tomato sandwich of the season is coming soon. Wow!
Another believe it or not garden story is blackberries. I actually picked a dozen or so Monday. They were nice big sweet jet black blackberries. I love blackberries and they make the best homemade ice cream. I have dozens of little cantaloupes on the vine as well as some nice size green peppers already.
It's been two years since I've eaten out of a garden (with the exception of a few small scraggly tomatoes I planted last year) due to my move last year. I miss my peach trees. The store bought peach trees don't seem to grow very fast nor have they produced any fruit yet. The tree I purchased last year doesn't look any more like a peach tree than when I planted it and is no bigger than that either.
The ones I planted from seed at the apartment reached six feet tall and produced a bounty crop after only a year. Even though I have grapes on three out of four vines, there are probable only a dozen or so grapes total. The vines are growing fast this year so maybe in 2011 I'll have vines big enough to provide me with some tasty treats.
But for whatever bounty my crops provide me and my family, nothings is more anticipated nor appreciated more than that first ripe tomato for the year's first tomato sandwich.
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