She has a tribute to service personal on her blog site. I served 36 moths over seas, including multiple tours of Vietnam. It was the only war in which service personal went as individuals and returned as individuals. Most of us have never been thanked or appreciated. Whenever I meet a Veteran, I always thak them profusely for their service. I know what they gave up and what they risked for their country.
On memorial day I put my flag out and I had my cook out, like most Americans did. But I remembered my friends who never lived long enough to have a wife or to see their children grow up, or even to come home one last time.
I didn't agree with Vietnam either but I did my duty as an American citizen. Never have heard anyone that the cowards who ran off to Canada. To tell the truth, the vast majority of Americans were opposed to the American Revoluntion. I don't hear many wishing we were still Bristish citizens.
If you are american, be strong, be proud, and above all, be thankful.
1 comment:
I am. Thankful. To all who served.
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