On my computer i didn't install sanboxie, a big mistake. Some one hijacked my e-mail account and all the people on my list received one or more ads for viagra and other services. I apologized to the all and dropped that e-mail account. Still, it wrecked havoc in my new computer. I got rid of the two trojin virurses left my the hijacker but my flash player was corrupted and would not work, I could not access my rr e-mail nor could I ask for help from my cable provider.
Even going back in time solved no problems but I need not have worried. Windows seven fixed the problem with just a touch of a button. Of course, all my files were delected but with a back-up disk and/or backup file services, one won't lose a thing.
In case you are unfamiliar with Sandboxe, it is a program that runs your web pages and places everything in a box. It doesn't matter is a file is infected or a virus came in on your e-mail account or one a link that looked too good not to click on, because once you go off the internet, everything in sandboxie is gone too. Nothing every enyters your computer and nothing can infect your computer.
There are time when one can't use Sandboxie. If you want to down load a new security system or load updates to your computer or save to file those cute pictures of the new grandbaby, you have to do that without benefit of sandboxie because, like I mentioned earlier, once you go off the internet, everything you did is gone too.
had I been on Sandboxie, none of you would have received an apology for the hijacked emails because, of course, there would have been no need to apologize for something that didn't happen.
Again, windows 7 is great.
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