Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tea Party

In my book "Feet of Clay" I predicted a Democratic victory with a minority candidate (however I wrote that the candidate was a woman). After this crushing defeat, the Republican party disintegrated and was replaced by another political party. It wasn't the Tea Party but it came into existence for much the same reasons.

The first minority male to win election was in the 2012 election after a disastrous four years under the Democrats. That seems likely to happen too.

But in today's world, Tea party backed candidates have had strong showings and veteran law makers are being ousted. "Politics as usual" is cited as a thing of the past. Why should we swap a evil Democrat for an evil Republican. We should elect people who have never had the chance to be evil before.

Some fear that Tea Party candidates are not going to fare as well as more established Republican would have but it's all about who can get their supporters out to vote.

I am not against an idea just because it was thought of by a Democrat nor am I for an idea because it has been put forth by a Republican. An idea should be able to stand on its own merits. If it doesn't, it should be cast aside.

It seems the new way of thinking is that if you can't give me a good reason why we should not change our way of thinking, then we should entertain the new idea. For example, if you can't give me one good reason women shouldn't be allowed to vote, then we will allow them to vote. If you can't give me a good reason why same sex couples should not get married, then we should allow them to marry.

My the same reasoning, if a mother is allowed to kill her baby before birth then why doesn't she have the right to kill it after birth? It may still be the product of rape or incest or make life difficult for a teen aged mother. it could be that the youngster was convinced that she could handle motherhood but after the birth of the baby discovered it was way too much for her.

See, one has to be careful in their thought process.

I hate the idea of people going hungry or being homeless (been there, done that) but I also dislike the idea that I have to support people that are capable of supporting themselves but are too lazy or too trifling to hold a steady job.

I like the idea of universal health care. With the system we have now coverage is too expensive if one does not have a job that pays a big portion of the costs. But I also don't think that you should have to pay my doctor bills because I am too lazy to work or to pay that cost for my family because I am too sorry to get married and too cheap to buy coverage for my kids.

maybe the Tea Party condidates have some answers for us or maybe they will wake up the politicians that are able to hold unto their seats. Inspire us, Tea Party candidates to do a better job.

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