NPR fired Juan Williams for saying that people in Muslim attire on an airplane make him nervous. let's see, it was the radical Quakers that flew airplanes into the Pentagon and the twin towers in New York and who were piloting the other plane that crashed because of Muslim heroics, right?
Wait, it's the Lutherans that we are fights in Iraq and the Baptist in Afghanistan.
No wait, maybe that's Presbyterians. wasn't it a Seventh Day Adventist that tried to ignite a shoe bomb? or a Mormon that was just convicted for plotting to blow up a subway?
Damn political correctness. No one claimed that all Muslims are terrorists or even that anywhere near the majority of them are. But on an airplane full of people, if there is a terrorist on board, it is more likely the Muslim.
If you are at a construction site and it is a know fact that there is one illegal alien on the work force, chances are high that it just might be the Latino that doesn't speak English.
If you go to church and the preacher welcomes home a young man from the military and you spot a group of six young mentalking with a deacon, chances are preety good the youngster with a crew cut standing at parade rest is the one just home from the service.
Geez man, the world is getting stupid.
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