The new health care bill is already changing the way we live. I heard a person complaining that at his job they were short a person but the company was not going to be hiring any more full time people since the health care costs are rising.
I would expect the economy to take much longer to recover if employers are not willing to take on full time people. In fact they may be looking for ways to change over to part time or eliminate jobs all together. If this happens, how is it going to be possible for the shrinking percentage of the working populace to support the increasing government and the non working sector. In order to pay a worker enough to make it worth not becoming one of the unemployed, cost of goods and services will become so high the non workers can't pay them at all and it will become increasing difficult for the working class to maintain their standard of living, at least through purchasing American made goods and services.
I mentioned to an Obama supporter that one provision of the Health Care Reform Act may no hold up in court (the provision that everyone must purchase health care.)
He started in with "Well if other countries can have universal health care, I don't no why we can't."
"I didn't say anything about universal health care. I only mentioned one provision. At first Obama said the act would not raise taxes but when it was pointed out that it may not be possible to require people to purchase a consumer item, he said . well the penalty for not buying a policy is a tax."
If it is, it will be the first tax in history levied because someone did nothing. Before, one had to do something to pay a tax: earn an income, receive a benefit, purchase an item, use a good or service, etc. Being charged money for not complying with the court has always be know as a fine and has been handled by the court system."
"Well, when Medicaid and medicare first came out, people didn't like that system either."
"That has nothing to do with my statement", I said. The whole law isn't under indictment, just the provision that dictates we have to buy a policy."
"Well it works it other countries"
"We are living under the French or Canadian, or British constitution. We live under the American one. You are arguing the whole health care bill. I'm discussing one provision of it."
Some people are so blinded by their love and support of Obama that they can't even have a sensible conversation. Any criticism of Obama or anything he has done is viewed as pure racism.
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