Monday, November 29, 2010


I like good service and if I'm given really good service I can be a generous tipper. Sometimes even with poor service I'll tip good just to prove to the waitress that because I wasn't as well dressed as the people she was fawning over, I'm not nearly as big a jerk as they are.

I wasn't surprised but wadisappointed at how chep people were on Thanksgiving day. K & W was opened Thanksgiving day and the waitresses who worked would have rather been home with their families yet they worked to ensure that people had a traditional dinner for the holidays. When I left the restaraunt, I noticed that at the six empty table, each holding from four to six people, the waitress had received a total of two dollars in tips.

I guess people feel since they had to stand in line to get their food that the waitress didn'y work hard even to deserve a tip but the wait staff only make $4.35 an hour and depend on tips to feed their families and take care of themselves. maybe they don't deserve 15% or 20% like a regular waitress but would it have hurt anyone to tip a dollar? Hell, even 50 would have helped her out and afyter all, she did take that big tray away for you, refill your drinks, and brought you special condiments you asked for.

Don't be so cheap from now own, people.

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