One Way Baptist Church is on Sunset in Randleman just off Stout Street and is a church meeting in a tiny building. It is exactly what one would expect to find in a place like this. There is no Sunday School, no Wednesday service, and no piano. It would do no good if someone gave the church a piano as the building is too small to put one in.
There is no doctor of divinity here, no college trained music director, no one wears choir ropes or passes out bulletins with a service guide, and no padded pews.
What you will find if you stop by is three preachers who accomplish more in a week than most churches do in a year with there prison ministries, their prayer habits, and their dedication. You will here good, old fashion preaching from men who know their scriptures.
Why are churches like One Way Baptist important? Being few in number, there is a strong desire to grow. Churches that have large numbers of people feel like they have succeeded and lose the zeal to visit people and to spread the gospel. The main interests of large churches is to convert those in foreign countries by sendin missionaries and to take care of the members they already have.
It is good that they have a missionary program because churches like One Way are unable to do that. No, being a small church doesn't make them a bunch of losers or freaks, or heretics, or fanactics. No, they are just oridinary folk with the desire to carry out the great commission: "Go ye into all the world, first into Jerusalem, then into Judea, and then into the uttermost parts of the world." In other words, start spreading the gospel at home, then into the neigborhood, then into other areas futher away from home.
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