I suppose if it wasn't me it would be someone else eventually. I've been kind and do my best to live according to the scriptures. I don't live right in order to be right I live right because I'm in the correct relationship. If you don't know what I mean you might as well quit reading.
I work hard at the church taking care of the yard and facilities, supporting the pastor, the church as a whole, and individual members, not for any special recognition but because that is a reflection of where my heart is. I suppose it is beyond some people's abilities to see past their own lives to realize that sometimes someone else just may have their best interest at heart.
There is a young man who has started coming to the church, along with his mother. When I say young man I'm talking younger than me. I suppose the man is in his thirties. Anyway he has been memorizing scriptures and that is a good thing. I told him that I didn't know that many because I surround myself with reference guides and can easily find the scriptures I need. Truly I wish I could quote more but there are just so many. Psalms 119 tells us to hide his word in our heart. I don't think it is as important to be able to quote chapter and verse as it is to understand and practice the precepts of the bible.
In the last couple of years I have met three men who could quote large sections of scripture. One was a backstabber, one was a user, and the other just an uneducated fool who has no idea what the scripture he just quoted actually means. His goal in life it seems is to go from church to church finding fault. it's either the music, or the décor, or the song choice, or the dress code, or, well, you get the picture. He will find fault with something. Another of the three was what we call a Pharisee because to him Christianity is a set of rules and not a relationship. Even so, the rules are for others and not for him because he will say one thing but live entirely different. You call him a hypocrite but he is beyond being hypocritical.
The third guy just has an over inflated image of himself and his abilities. Neither man lives like a Christian should. I'm not questioning their salvation and I'm not criticizing them. I just stating the facts to prove my point. My point is that being able to quote scriptures without understanding them or without applying them to your life is a fallacy.
Well, it seems that my point of view was offensive to the younger man and because he was offended his mother became irate and now they won't speak to the preacher, return my phone call, or even answer the door when I went by to speak to them.
Their actions prove my point that although he can quote big blocks of scripture he has become easily offended and has withdrew himself from fellowship with me and the church. That isn't the way Christ has instructed us to live. That's my point.
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