Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Mother falls out of a party bus

It seems the news is full of tragedies for bachelorettes this morning.  It one story 5 women going to a bachelorette party died when a limo caught fire and they were trapped inside.  In this story a young mother was on a party bus celebrating at a bachelorette party.  She fell out of the emergency door. 

In case you aren't aware of what a party bus is, it is really a school bus that someone drives around while other people have a good time.  It is a way for lots of people to get from one place to another and still party without having to drive.  The idea seems great but those parties do come with risks, especially from how people act when they are having a good time.  Sometimes they do foolish things like stick their head out of the window.  Sometimes there is a telephone pole or sign post on the side of the road. 

In this case the lady was at the back of the bus.  Now we all know from riding a school bus in our youth or a city bus or even an airplane one of the rules is that you must be seated while the vehicle is in motion.  Even if the emergency door was faulty if the woman had been seated she would not have fallen out. 

One of three things happened:  Someone opened the door and pushed her out, she opened the door on purpose and jumped, or she was standing near the door and was jostled up against the door by a friend, a bump or her own actions and fell out the door. 

A relative has already starting saying stuff that is setting up the bases of a lawsuit.  He said "Why wasn't the emergency door secured?"  I know he's looking for someone or something to blame other than the victim but he is way out of line with that statement.  Emergency doors have to remain open:  it is the law and it is that way for a really good reason. 

In the Colorado theater shooting some families sued the theater for not providing enough security.  People, we have to start thinking for ourselves.  Inspect the situation and if the theater doesn't have enough security don't go.  if you want to ride a bus and they follow the law and have an emergency door that is working properly and you want it secured, then don't get on the bus.  What if there was an accident and you could not crawl to the front of the bus.  I would bet you would want an unsecured emergency door then. 

Sometimes we  get away with doing stupid stuff.  Ever run a stop sign and was glad no one was in the intersection but you?  Every let your car drift over the center line.  No tractor-trailer on the other side, thank goodness.  But sometimes we do stupid things and there is a severe price to pay.  More than likely that is what happened here. 

My condolences to the family and I am deeply sad for the young child who lost her mother. 

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