He was sitting in the living room in his lounge chair when his ear began to itch. He removed his hearing aid to relieve the itch and it slipped from his grasp and no amount of searching could reveal the location of the aid. The next morning his wife was busy gathering up trash for trash day when she noticed an object laying in the legs of the TV trays he kept behind his bedroom door. There is was.
Unless one is extremely hard of hearing one cannot imagine the decreased quality of life on suffers from not being able to hear and how important hearing aids are. The shame of the whole matter is how expensive they are. Even budget hearing aids are $300.00 or more dollars and seem to be fraught with problems.
My mom, 88, has an extremely severe hearing loss and cannot afford even the least expensive aids. To help her I purchased her a sound amplifier for 19.99 and have her a set of padded ear phones. They seem to serve her well but aren't as convenient or efficient as real hearing aids are. I wish there were a way to make some serviceable for less than a hundred dollars so more people could get help.
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