First thing after breakfast I replanted all the iris I dug up yesterday into the new garden space. It took me until lunch time to finish that little chore. After lunch I went to the service station to get gas for the lawn mower and then loaded up my equipment and headed over to the church to mow the grass there. It took a little less than an hour with the rider then another twenty minutes with the walk-behind mower. Then I used the leaf blower to clear the excess grass, then packed everything away and headed home. I unloaded and put everything back into its proper lace. From the time I started 912:00) until I finished (3:30) took 3 1/2 hours but only an hour and a half was spent actually cutting grass.
It is highly unusual for me to cut my grass on Wednesday and the Church's on Thursday but it is so wet in the am I mowed in the afternoon when thing were drier. I also wanted to move the schedule up in case it rains. I'm still sore and I'm tired but not nearly as so as I was yesterday.
My kitty finally paid me some attention today. I took her to the vets Tuesday for her polio booster and another shot. Ryder likes to be petted but she does not like to be picked up. I had cancelled two previous vet visits because I could not catch Ryder but I managed to get her into the cage Tuesday. She has ignored me since she came home from the vets.
I once thought it might be a good idea to put a collar on her and then just snap a leash on her when I need to take her somewhere. As thing worked out, that was a very bad idea. Ryder is a lot of fun and she is a loving cat but just never try to pick her up.
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