Saturday, June 21, 2014

Plant sale at the Zoo

      I went to the plant sale at the zoo this morning and got a little carried away.  I purchased to red ice plants (I already have purple ice and yellow ice), 2 sedum plants, blue grass, a couple of cone flowers, a hibiscus bush, some hens and chicks, and a Red Velvet Elvis (its a red Iris).  Some people purchased a lot more than I did  but I'm running out of room in my little yard.  Not satisfied, I ordered two more grape vines via the internet today.  I have to confess I killed my only seedless grape vine this week so I'm having to replace it.  I feel really bad about it.
      My garden has started producing.  I've already picked my peas and some lettuce and cucumbers and of course some hot pepper.  I even gave some of them to my new neighbors.  The German Johnson's have a couple of tomatoes ripe for the picking and I just grabbed my second squash off the vine today.  I was checking over my garden and noticed I have six watermelons growing (Charleston Greys and I think a Crimson sweet or two).  I purchased Charleston Grey seeds and a friend of mine gave me a package  or two of seeds which I think were Crimson Sweet.     The cantaloupe vines are running and have plenty of flowers but I didn't notice any set fruit as of today.  I picked more blackberries today.  I'm getting about a pint a day but next month more and more should be ripening   on a daily bases. 

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