Saturday, June 28, 2014

Would Hilary make a good President?

      When Hilary first ran for nomination I would have rather seen her win than Obama and nothing has changed to alter that opinion.  Something was mentioned on a national news program today that makes me doubt that she would be a worthy President.  As you probably know Hilary was Secretary of State when the Benghazi incident occurred.  Hilary discussed the situation with ex-president and husband Bill Clinton and he advised her not to resign for fear it would hurt Obamas chances of being reelected and the Democratic party might hold a grudge against her for that and lessen her chances of being elected in 2016. 
    Hilary has been quoted as saying that Obama is inexperience and way over his head and doesn't really know what he is doing.  In other words she is claiming that Obama is incompetent.  This is all before the 2008 election.  From this incident and discussion and Hilary's  decision, it is obvious that she had placed her desire to become President above the need of  America to have a competent leader.  In other words, she feels her desires are more important than the needs of the country.  Do you really want a leader that feels they are more important than the country?  I would hope not.

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