Saturday, October 25, 2014

Does sentimental value remain after death?

 A lady grew up during the depression and over the course of her lifetime she had purchased items that meant something to her and some other things were given to her.  She has lived in the same home for almost sixty years.  It's a small two bed room ranch home.  She had a collection of dinner bells, probable three or four hundred of them. 
  I said had as if she were dead already but she isn't.  One of her sons is having her move in with him with the intention of bringing her home so she can die in her own home.  The home is neat but every square inch of storage space is utilized to the max.  There is the attic, the partial basement and the storage space under the deck.  The carport was converted into a living space. 
   She said that she wants items personal to her to remain so she can be surrounded by the objects she loves at her death.  I don't know if it is possible for things to happen the way she wants  but that is the plans.  We always don't get to pick where we will be when we die.
    The house is stuffed full of stuff, there is damage to some of the walls and ceilings and it has lots and lots of furniture.  Somehow one of the brothers, the successful rich one, thinks he can clean the house and get it ready to sell in three or four days.  I know what his intentions are.  He'll hire a professional cleaning crew who will bring out a dumpster and he'll instruct them to throw everything thanks in the house into it, then have them wash and mop and think he's done a good job. 
   Mom loves her stuff  plus there is a lot of value, intrinsic and sentimental, to many of the objects she has.  If the items meant a lot to her should her children value that item as well and see that it is sold or given a good home or should it just be junked like worthless trash?

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