Thursday, October 09, 2014

Sometimes its better not to do any favors

My wife and I stopped at Wendy's today.  I wanted to try their new BBQ sandwich.  I ordered a BBQ sandwich and a soda and my wife wanted the BBQ fries and a lemonade.  "I can save you money if you get the combo. " 
   "But I don't want fries' I replied. 
 Well the clerk rang me up a small combo anyway. 
  The BBQ sandwich was $4.49, the BBQ fries was $2.89, the soda was a $1.49 and the lemonade was &1.79 for a total of $10.66 (not including tax)
   The clerk rang up a small combo at $6.69, a BBQ fry at 2.89, a lemonade at 1.79 and a soda at 1.49  which totaled 12.86.  I explained to the clerk that she charged me for a soda that was supposed to be include and didn't give me a fry which goes with a combo.  I didn't want the fries to begin with so I made her cancel the entire order and ring it the way it should have been totaled to begin with.  While she was re-ringing the order other workers were busy filling my tray with sandwiches I didn't order. 
   The whole incident left a bad taste in my mouth (pardon the pun) embarrassed the clerk, I'm sure and put a damper on an otherwise perfect day.  I don't know why I have such a hard time when I go into a restaurant,  especially a fast food joint.  I speak slowly and clearly but it seems there is always a problem.  I went to Bo jangles once and every time I named an item I want the clerk would yell it into his mike.  What he rang up, what I ordered and what I was given didn't even come close to being the same. 
  Once at Arby's I ordered an apple turnover and was given a cherry one with chocolate glaze.  My wife and I were going to split it so I cut it in two pieces.  My wife took a piece to show the clerk we had received the wrong turnover.  In stead of fixing the problem the clerk said 'Well, I see you've  already eaten half of it."  I took the other half up and asked for an apple turnover, not saying anything about her smart remark.  This time I received a chocolate turnover.  This time I took the whole thing back and asked for a refund.  The clerk at first refused and tried to make me wait until she found an apple turnover. 
   I went to Hardees and ordered two cod fillet sandwiches and a chicken  burrito.      I was given two chicken sandwiches and a fish taco. 
 If it happened just once and in a while, which I fully expect it does to every one, it would be understandable.  I think the problem is most clerks really don't know how to think and customers don't know how to order.  A clerk normally has to ask a customer a lot of questions in order to record an order. 
    I'll go into, say Burger King, and say "This order is dine-in.  I want  the number 2 combo, small, with cheese, light mayo, lettuce and tomato and a number two combo, small, no cheese, with onion rings instead of fries."  More often than not, the clerk will ask ;Is this dine-in or carry-out?" 
So now I have to repeat the entire order and when I'm finished the second time the clerk asks "Did you want cheese on both combos?" 
  I thought maybe I was giving the clerk too much information at once so I decided to be like every one else and make the clerk ask.  My order was still screwed up. 
  In all honesty I appreciate the girl at Wendy's  efforts to save me some money and if I had received the fries and not been double charged on the soda I would have not said anything about the fries I really didn't want.  When I placed my order and it seemed obvious she wasn't going to ring it like I asked her too It was just far easier to let her do it her way.  For the most part most places quickly correct mistakes and I realize most fast food clerks are young and inexperienced so I'm patient with them.  But tonight was different.  The clerk wanted to argue with me that she was saving me money by charging me for something I didn't want, couldn't understand when I explained I hadn't received what I had been charged for, gave me a refund and then tried to charge me again for what she just gave me a refund on.  Sometimes it is just best to not do some one a favor.      

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