Thursday, January 29, 2015

Controversy and stubborness

       If I told you a lie but it sounded so good you believed it and repeated it for years and years, even though it could destroy the careers of many a good man and prevent the careers of countless others, why would you continue to believe that lie after being presented with the truth?  Well, it seems many people do that very thing. 
    It's such a simple little lie.  I Timothy 3: 2 sates "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach. 
    No, the whole verse isn't a lie and the verse means what it says and says what it means.  The lie comes in the interpretation thereof, i.e.,   "the husband of one wife".   The hurt comes when a preacher is fired from his job because his wife dies, or  a man is denied a pastorialship because   he once was married or he had remarried.  "Oh, the bible says a man can only be married once" people claim.   Some even interpret the verse to mean that a man must be married in order to be a preacher. 
   I know of a man that started a bible study in his home and soon had to move to a building.  The building had to be enlarged 5 times and even at it's largest people were standing outside looking in the windows to hear this man preach.  yet, after twenty years of preaching, when the man's wife died, the deacons came to him and asked for his resignation.  Oh my, the devil sure is a sly one, isn't he. 
   Please, please, read the verse.  It plainly says the husband of one wife.  The verse says absolutely nothing about marriages.  It does not say a man can only be married once, it says must be the husband of one wife.  It does not say a man must be married, it says the husband of one wife.  Please do not substitute the word marriage for one wife.  They may seem the same but there is a vast difference. 
    Everyone has said something sometime that was exactly what they wanted to say yet the hearer of the r words took it the wrong way.  One has to be careful to fully understand why the speaker uttered the words that he did. If we could go back to the time that Paul penned those words "the husband of one wife" and ask him exactly what he meant he would quickly tell you the truth, making it clear so as to there being no misunderstanding. 
    In the days that Paul wrote this letter to Timothy polygamy was a common practice in Israel.  it was legal for women as it was for men.  For a woman who had two husbands, if one husband objected to the other, the woman had to divorce both men and was forbidden to have a relationship with either ever again.  If a man had two wives and one objected then the man did not have to divorce either one of them but even if he divorced one she was forbidden to remarry.  Polygamy, even though legal, was not socially acceptable like it is among certain segments of the Mormon Church.   
   Paul was only cautioning Timothy to not ordain a man who had multiple wives.  His statement had nothing to do with marriages but the number of women a man could be married too at the same time. 
   If people could understand that then many a good man  who has been cast aside would still be proclaiming the gospel and  leading churches.  Many a young man who has not married would be allowed to follow God and preach God's word. 
     But alas, some will reject the truth and still insist that the verse says that a man cannot be divorced or cannot have a wife that died and cannot be single and stand in the pulpit, even though the verse never mentions marriages at all. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Gospel Singing

Feb 8, 2015 will see the return of "Mountain Joy" to Randleman for their annual appearance.  They will be at One Way Baptist Church on Sunset on Sunday, Feb 8, 2015 and their appearance begins at 10:45 am.  We have double the seating as we did last year but one should be sure to get there early.  Admission is free.  Lucky you.    
     Sunset is either a street or a Road, depending on whether one turns from Main Street or from Stout street in case you are wondering why I didn't included it in the address. 

Crumley-Roberts ad

The lady said her husband had no memory of an accident he was in yet he says the first think he thought of when he awoke in the hospital was hiring Crumley-Roberts.  Exactly why would he do that.  I would think his first thoughts would be on why am I in the hospital, how long am I going to be here, and exactly what happened to me. 
   I think the ad is stupid and is a good reason not to hire Crumley-Roberts for anything.  They have demonstrated a tendency for faulty reasoning and I want a better law firm than that.   

1st Cold

      Sunday night a familiar feeling was present in my chest one that foretold of an impending cold.  I seldom get sick.  I think it was 1978 that I missed my first and only day of work because of illness.  I took my first job at 11 and retired when I was 64 so I figure that's pretty good; one day in 53 years.  I did have a serious bout with the flu when I was an eight grader which resulted in the only time I was ever absent from school.  Once, in 1983, I had another bout of flu but I was on vacation when I got sick. 
   It may seems like a charmed life  but in 1970 I had appendicitis and in 2012 my blood sugar spiked to an avg. daily reading of well over 400 and a A1C of 14.  Insulin quickly brought that under control.  In todays world neither one of these illnesses are considered life threating but had I been born in the early 1900's an appendectomy would have been considered major surgery  and a few years before that would have most certainly been fatal.  It hasn't been that long since an A1C of 14 would have been deadly too. 
   I think of it often; how I could have been dead at twenty one.  I suppose it's no big deal considering all my other close calls with death.  One, like the time I hit a bridge column at 92 miles an hour or the time a drunk slammed into me head  on.   Then there is the time I was robbed by 4 guys at knife point and once where an ex-friend of mine pulled the trigger on a 357 magnum aimed at me.  She was only 3 or 4 feet away and she missed all three times. 
    I may have been luck and it may have been divine intervention.  And these incidents I've described have not been the only times my life has been in danger.   Twice people have set out to kill me.  Once, in Texas a young man mistook me for someone he hated and relished his opportunity to kill.  Another time a man  Burlington a man brandished a gun threatening to kill me because I didn't get the door to my store unlock fast enough to suit him. 
   Considering what I have survived, a little cold is nothing to worry about.  I just start popping Zi-cam  and sucking on cough drops and usually in a few days I'm fit as a fiddle.  Obviously I would rather not get a cold but even I can't be that fortunate. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What to do in retirement: to RV or not to RV

        When I was in the military I met a guy named David S.  We became friends mainly because we were both defiant people and both of us married girls from the Philippines.  My wife and I never talked about him without mentioning his wife nor would we talk about her without mentioning him.  It was as if each had the same name, David and Ramy.  They seemed so happy.  That's why it came as a huge shock to learn of their divorce.
    I suppose the divorce had a big influence on Dave and my relationship as we never saw each other but once after they separated and last touch after their divorce was final.  That is why it was a big shocker when about eight years ago I heard from Dave and he had not only remarried but had already retired.  He was just in his fifties and he had married an attractive blonde.  Dave and his new wife, Chris, were living it up visiting beaches up and down the eastern seaboard and even a few in other countries.  After a few years of that the to of them purchased an RV and began living this way during the spring, summer and fall, only returning home in the dead of winter.  This year they have ventured out and are  RVing full time.  We keep in touch via Facebook and are regularly updated with pictures of campsites, menus of places they eat and stories of people they have meet.  Seems like the perfect carefree life. 
    I suppose, for them, it is.  Dave and Chris had spent their lives living in one city and working for the same manufacturer raising their respective families in a seemingly humdrum world.  I spent my life working at various jobs and lived in different places.  Dave;s life was stable and mine was in constant turmoil.  When he retired he was ready for some adventure.  When I retired I was ready for some stability. 
   I remarried after my wife passed away and we settled in a small town, purchased a modest home and have dedicated our lives to serving God at a small local church.  I give aid to my Mom and did so to my wife's mother when she was still living.  I spend many hours working at the church. I believe there is more yard work to be done in the winter what with clearing some land.  That's about to come to an end which is okay with me.   I think it about time I switch gears and concentrate on something beside the physical.  I do as I also teach and write for the newspaper.
     I love my stability and the fact I can have friends  and belong to things and feel like my life has a purpose.  While Rving seems glamorous and I do feel a ting of jealousy now and then, especially over the pictures of my friends sitting around a campfire with good food and new friends.  Then i noticed someone wearing a light jacket and think it must be a little cool and I see the Tiki torch
and think of the bugs and mosquitoes   and then I realize that soon my friends must clean up, pack up and move on, spending countless hours on the move to a new campsite.  Maybe the next one will not be so nice. 
    There is just as much work involved in maintaining an RV lifestyle as there is in maintaining a 'home.  I can do a lot more to entertain myself than I do.  I can fish more and take more day trips.  It's nice to have a choice of how to spend ones day.  My uncle compromised.  He worked for his church as a Deacon just as I do, had his home, wife, family and garden, and yet he had his RV and spend many an hour in the mountains or by a lake doing what he loved best:  sharing time with his wife and fishing.     One can have it all I suppose. 
      One doesn't have to choose to RV or not.  There are many more choices out there than that.  The point is that in retirement one can spent time doing what one loves to do.  it is said one gets out of life what one puts into it and that is never more true than in retirement.  

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Keeping up Appearances

      I'm really not interested in keeping up appearances: that phrase just seemed like a nice line for a title. 
     Sometimes life can seem difficult and discouraging and it feels like one is just going through the motions or, as the title suggest, just keeping up the appearance of being interested in what is happening outside one's little world.   
     As far as myself, most things are fine but it does get somewhat frustrating when it seems all my efforts are for nothing.  No, I'm not talking about my marriage as it really couldn't be better.  Things are fine around the house.  My neighbor purchased the property beside me and had it surveyed so for the first time I know exactly where my boundaries are and I am pleased with that.  I've been spending some time working in the yard getting my lawn ready for the sowing of seed this spring.  It has been a hard struggle getting this  rocky red clay in such a shape to grow something besides weeds. Everything is fine at church;  the services are great, and we have finally got a visitation program that is working.  No, my frustrations lie elsewhere.
    It is the hard hearts of the community and the lack of honesty on people's part.  If I invite you to church and you would rather not go I would much rather you tell me so than to lie to me.  I will appreciate your honestly much more than I will your lie. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Malarkey admits malarky

     Tyndale House, publishers of the book "A boy who came from heaven" has finally pulled the book from publication.  The co-author Alex Malarkey, has admitted that he never went to heaven. 
   The book should never have been published as anything but fiction to begin with.  Only three men in the history of the world have ever returned to earth from heaven and those were Jesus, Elijah, and Moses.  The returning of Moses and Elijah is recorded in the book of Matthew in the 17th chapter. 
   There are many people out there that reject the bible as the inspired word of God and in fact there are many who reject God and even some that reject the idea of God.  They think that believers live in a fantasy world and yet they are ready to accept evolution and the big bang theory.  Talk about a leap of faith. 
   Let's start with the scientific law that nothing can be created from nothing. Now scientist acknowledge it is a fact if nothing ever existed then nothing ever could.  Yet these same men would have you believe that everything is existence came into being is a fraction of a second due to some impossible to exist gravitational force.  But then they backtrack and claim all life evolved  from a single cell creature.  Now as I understand the theory of evolution, evolving comes about by a creature adapting, or changing to better survive in its environment. 
   Now if every living creature was a single cell animal and it could reproduce itself then it would have had no enemies and would never be turned down for sex then why did it need to evolve?  And if it evolved then why are there still single cell animals?  if man evolved from an ape, then why can't man swing from trees and why isn't he born covered in fur and with a long tail?  Apes are stronger and more athletic than humans and are born protected against the elements.  man was born with a brain instead so he could gather wood and eventually discover alternate fuel sources  to heat the structures he had to build because he was born without fur.  Seems a step backwards to me.
    Yes, I'm a Christian.  I can understand why non-believers feel they are correct in rejecting God.  They can't see Him, feel Him, or notice any evidence of His existence.  Creation once pointed to the existence of God but now man believes creation is now evidence that God does not exist.  How sad. 
One thing I  do know from experience is that if one is a believer then God will interact with you and the more he interacts with you the stronger your faith becomes and the stronger ones faith the better the relationship. 
   In any case, any reputable publisher should have known that anything contrary to God is not of god and therefore is not true.  Maybe the book should have been published but published as fiction only. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Read This and Die

No,not you, me.  Over the years I've read about publishers and writers and artists who have been threatened with death for commenting on Islam and/or publishing/drawing a picture of Mohammed.  I've always wondered how Muslims know if a published image is Mohammed if images of him are not allowed.  I guess if the artist says it's Mohammed, the Muslims can then get upset. 
    This reminds me of the Muslim woman who said it makes her so mad when westerners say Muslims are not a peaceful people she just wants to slap them.  Yup, nothings shows that you are a peaceful person more than an angry slap.  You go girl.
     Three people dressed up like Ninja Muslims and attacked a newspaper in France, killing 12 people because someone there published a picture of Mohammed.  That seems about right since Mohammed was a war mongering pedophile who got  a bunch of losers to swallow his propaganda because what he taught was as close to the truth as he could get it and still be a total lie.  It was good as long as it wasn't Jewish.
    Islamists act like a bunch of immature brats who want to hurt people who disagree with them.  Seems silly but they believe it's okay to be a terrorist as long as it's in the name of peace.    

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Did they hear the same thing I did?

Did they hear the same thing I did?  Last Sunday night our pastor delivered a message on the sincere milk of the word and Paul's desire that Christians mature to he could teach them deeper things.  The basic tenants of Christianity are simple.  Because of our inherit sin nature we are separated from God. We all must die a physical death just as we all were born with a physical body.  When this body dies we will receive an eternal body and either be reunited with God or eternally separated from Him.  Spiritual death is the consequence of sin but we do not have to suffer that death also.  Christ died upon the cross as a substitute for us so that we may be reunited with God. 
    That experience is called the second birth and all our sins are forgiven.  We then become sons of God and are expected to live a life pleasing to Christ and God the Father and to yield our decisions to the Spirit of God that indwells us. 
   The problem is we still live in this sinful wicked world in our body of flesh and have to deal with our shortcomings and  the wiles of Satan.  We can withstand his temptations and live a life as sweet and holy as that lived by Christ but only if we grow up, or mature.  We need to pray constantly, yield or thoughts and decisions to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, study God's word and apply it's teachings to our life. 
   No one is born a mature Christian.  Christianity is not a set of rules to follow or rituals to preform nor is it setting ourselves above the rest of the world as somehow better than others.  That is a deception of Satan.  Just as physically we start out as helpless babies we do the same as new Christians.  We have to develop spiritually and the relationship between us and God had to be nurtured. 
   Just as some humans always seem to make bad decisions, have a hot temper, and have not been able to develop relationships with others, some Christians never seem to mature.  Christ teaches us how to handle conflict with each other, how to deal with our enemies, and how to have a mature relationship with him.  Yet some people just never seems to get beyond being a child.
   Often times  our pastor will allow congregants to sing before the service but not always.   Sunday night was one of those rare nights that we went straight into the preaching and apparently one lady was wanting to sing.  "Well", she said, "if the preacher won't let me sing I'll just quit the choir." 
If that wasn't bad enough another member heard what she said.  I don't know if she spoke to him or was just overheard by him but he just couldn't wait to get to the preacher to tell him what she had said. 
   So what we have heard is a lady acting negatively to an event and another person gossiping about it.   To be honest the lady can't sing a lick but that isn't the point.  She does what she does because it is a way to praise and honor God.  She also knows many kids songs and loves to work with the juveniles by teaching them these little choruses.  Even so, it is immature to get upset because "I" didn't get to do what "I" wanted to do. 
   The man who heard her sentiment should have prayed for the lady  asking God to help her with her understanding.  If he was to say anything to anyone he should have spoken to her and corrected her attitude.  That's why I wonder if they heard the same sermon as I did.

Monday, January 05, 2015

Jodi Aries testimony postponed

   It was announced today that lawyers wanted to interview witnesses so the sentencing phase of convicted murder Jodi Aries has been postponed once again.  I suppose she has drawn so much exposure on TV and other new media because she is rather attractive.  Once doesn't normally expected an attractive women to kill a boyfriend. 
   When I was a working stiff I was employed by a national chain in Burlington, NC and I was sent an employee of a yet to be opened store to train.  She was what one might describe as drop-dead gorgeous.  Another employee kept telling me she looked familiar but he couldn't remember where he knew her from.  After a couple of weeks he remembered.  He had not meet her but remembered that her picture was in the newspaper.  She had been arrested and charged with the murder of her husband.  As usual in such cases she had a boyfriend and it seemed much easier just to shoot her husband in the back of the head than to go through a divorce.   But such wasn't the case with Jodi Aries.
    I  don't think this guy and her were together anymore and I don't recall if they were ever live in lovers but in any case there really doesn't seem Miss Aries had anything to gain from his death.  What was most shocking for me wasn't that pretty women kill because I know they do or that she killed for no apparent reason because they do that too.  No, the most shocking thing was her preposterous lies.  I think she thought they sounded so good that she had to be believed, especially since she was so pretty. If you thought that women would was acquitted in the death of her little daughter  was a lousy liar, and she was,  you would be correct but she was a sweet innocent compared to the whoppers Jodi Aries has come up with.  It is unconceivable that anyone could tell such stories as she has and really expect to be believed. 
   Maybe she didn't.  Maybe she just wanted to cast down on her guilt.  Now that she has been convicted the decision has to be made between life or death.  She is claiming that "she has so much to offer" because she is so smart that she could really help the other prisoners build a life for themselves when they are released.  I'm not saying she should be given the death penalty but if she is given life instead I sure hope it isn't because anyone really believes she wants to help others build a productive life.  No, the only thing she is trying to do is save her own neck.  I can't blame her for that except being a liar got her in the predicament she's in now and more lies shouldn't get her out. 

Friday, January 02, 2015

Think of the bible as a well.

Think of the bible as a well.  Some people feel they have done well by reading some scripture and others think they have done well also when they learn some scripture but the bible is only the well.  The words therein is the water which quenches our thirst.