Sunday, January 25, 2015

Keeping up Appearances

      I'm really not interested in keeping up appearances: that phrase just seemed like a nice line for a title. 
     Sometimes life can seem difficult and discouraging and it feels like one is just going through the motions or, as the title suggest, just keeping up the appearance of being interested in what is happening outside one's little world.   
     As far as myself, most things are fine but it does get somewhat frustrating when it seems all my efforts are for nothing.  No, I'm not talking about my marriage as it really couldn't be better.  Things are fine around the house.  My neighbor purchased the property beside me and had it surveyed so for the first time I know exactly where my boundaries are and I am pleased with that.  I've been spending some time working in the yard getting my lawn ready for the sowing of seed this spring.  It has been a hard struggle getting this  rocky red clay in such a shape to grow something besides weeds. Everything is fine at church;  the services are great, and we have finally got a visitation program that is working.  No, my frustrations lie elsewhere.
    It is the hard hearts of the community and the lack of honesty on people's part.  If I invite you to church and you would rather not go I would much rather you tell me so than to lie to me.  I will appreciate your honestly much more than I will your lie. 

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