It was announced today that lawyers wanted to interview witnesses so the sentencing phase of convicted murder Jodi Aries has been postponed once again. I suppose she has drawn so much exposure on TV and other new media because she is rather attractive. Once doesn't normally expected an attractive women to kill a boyfriend.
When I was a working stiff I was employed by a national chain in Burlington, NC and I was sent an employee of a yet to be opened store to train. She was what one might describe as drop-dead gorgeous. Another employee kept telling me she looked familiar but he couldn't remember where he knew her from. After a couple of weeks he remembered. He had not meet her but remembered that her picture was in the newspaper. She had been arrested and charged with the murder of her husband. As usual in such cases she had a boyfriend and it seemed much easier just to shoot her husband in the back of the head than to go through a divorce. But such wasn't the case with Jodi Aries.
I don't think this guy and her were together anymore and I don't recall if they were ever live in lovers but in any case there really doesn't seem Miss Aries had anything to gain from his death. What was most shocking for me wasn't that pretty women kill because I know they do or that she killed for no apparent reason because they do that too. No, the most shocking thing was her preposterous lies. I think she thought they sounded so good that she had to be believed, especially since she was so pretty. If you thought that women would was acquitted in the death of her little daughter was a lousy liar, and she was, you would be correct but she was a sweet innocent compared to the whoppers Jodi Aries has come up with. It is unconceivable that anyone could tell such stories as she has and really expect to be believed.
Maybe she didn't. Maybe she just wanted to cast down on her guilt. Now that she has been convicted the decision has to be made between life or death. She is claiming that "she has so much to offer" because she is so smart that she could really help the other prisoners build a life for themselves when they are released. I'm not saying she should be given the death penalty but if she is given life instead I sure hope it isn't because anyone really believes she wants to help others build a productive life. No, the only thing she is trying to do is save her own neck. I can't blame her for that except being a liar got her in the predicament she's in now and more lies shouldn't get her out.
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