Last year I built a privacy fence but really didn't want to put much money into it. The reason for the fence is that when we are sitting at the dinner table and the neighbors are on their back porch we are looking at each other. It is as if we are staring at them. I made the fence by putting 4 x 4 posts into the ground 8 ft apart and then putting sheets of plastic lattice between the posts. The idea worked great but over time the posts became wobbly and the lattice was too flexible so I decided to fix the problem.
I dug new holes, dropped the posts in the hole and filled the holes with concrete. Then I nailed strips of 1 x 4 between the posts and then attached the plastic lattice to the 1 x 4 strips. That keeps the posts upright and the lattice from flapping in the breeze.
Another project I wanted to do was rebuild my patio. I built it originally using the concrete landscaping squares one gets at the big box hardware stores. Some were red and the others just regular concrete gray. The finished product looked really nice but over the years the concrete grouting dried and cracked allowing grass and weeds to grow between the blocks. I also didn't get all the blocks perfectly straight so the patio had low and high spots making the table and chairs a little wobbly. Seems I have problems with wobbly.,
It was time to redo the patio and I also needed to make it just a little larger. so I added a foot to each end changing the patio from a 10 x 10 to an 11 x 11. This time I framed the area using 1 x 4's and filling in the area with 1520 lbs of concrete (19 80 lb bags). Not only is the patio level, it is large enough to accommodate my table and chairs and there is not way weeds are going to be growing on my patio.
I was rather surprised by the weeds because I did use a weed barrier under the original patio but I suppose it must have deteriorated.
The only other project I wanted to do was to make a new vegetable garden space. The summers are too dry around here and with a yard of red clay not being the best medium for growing stuff in my gardens have had mixed reviews. Last years I tried growing my stuff in containers which worked better than a regular garden but had it's drawbacks too. This years I built a raised garden on one side of the house and filled it full of good quality garden soil. The area is small, maybe 4 feet by 30 feet
but it is big enough for a dozen tomato plants and a few pepper plants. The area gets morning sun and evening sun and is shady during the middle of the day plus it is close to a water source so hopefully it is the perfect tomato garden spot.
Except for planting, my summer projects are done. I am contemplating coating my patio with a thin coat of cement to make it smother but for now I'm not convinced that is necessary. Maybe I can find time to go fishing this summer. I don't have all the church projects to do no nor nearly as many projects around the house.
I did have a peach tree to die but it looks like I will actually have a peach crop this year. Mu apple trees are in bloom for the first time ever so I'm looking forward to that. H
hopefully my cherry trees with have cherries this year. I covered my blueberry bush with a netting as last year the berries disappeared when they ripened and I didn't get any for myself. I am also looking forward to some fresh grapes and picking blackberries for the freezer.
Yes, I'm really looking forward to a relaxing summer.
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