I changed churches a month or so ago and I'm really glad I did. I am now attending Academy Street Baptist (yes, the church on the hill near the SECU and Thomas Tire. The pastor is young (just 29. he is the first pastor I've ever had that uses expository style preaching and he does it really well. The church was once community church but is now a Baptist church. It has everything needed to be a first class facility except a baptistery. The congregation is mall and not as faithful to the church as what I'm used to but they are good people and rather friendly.
The music is traditional which I really like I would like for the church to grow, become more faithful while retaining that small church friendliness. It just seems harder and harder to get people interested in church. More and more the church and Christians are mocked and Christ is rejected. It seems the more we need Christ, the less people care.
Our country is in grave danger from our enemies yet we open our borders and welcome them in with open arms, we approve and even encourage the acceptance of decadent life styles, think that killing unborn children is our right and just an effective method of birth control, and that the one thing that America needs most is not only rejected but made fun of.
The older I get and the more I learn about Jesus the more I am convinced that the country needs to turn to Christ. If we don't I don't believe this country will survive as it is today.
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