Tuesday, May 02, 2017

doctor day

I have an appointment to see a doctor at 10:15 this morning.  The doctor is one I saw on a regular basis before my VA disability was approved.  Nothing against the VA but I believe  I can get better care from her and be less expensive.  I'm not happen about the 10;15 appointment as I'm a diabetic and have to fast before going.  Not only am I hungry   by the time the appointment is over but I run the risk of my blood sugar dropping to an unsafe level.  Sometimes people making appointments just don't understand . 
   Some of the reasons I'm changing my care is that the VA has increase the length of time between appointments to once every seven months, has increased the doctor's patient load and decreased the amount of time he can spend with each patient.  It has been a year since my cholesterol and triglycerides have been tested and I'm still two months away from my appointment.  Doctors do not test from blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the same visit so it will be nine more months before my A1C will be tested again.  Since I'm new to taking insulin I would hope the doctor would monitor my usage more closely than that. 
   I can't change the VA policy but I can see a different doctor,  I know insurance companies have a lot of influence over the care that doctor's give and unfortunately I can't afford to pay for more frequent testing.  But at least going to a civilian doctor will lower my prescription cost.  That is a good thing but I still need to see the VA doctor for other things.  My tdap shop is $73.00 from a civilian doctor and free from the VA. 
  Which octor I see for which problem will all depend on the costs involved.  When I was younger I didn't have to concern myself with these problems.  Age has a way of changing things.

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