Hillary Clinton just said she accepts responsibility for her lost election but and then goes on to list a few contributing factors liked Trump lies and Russian interference and mishandling of things by the FBI. In other words she isn't accepting responsibility for anything.
I never took Trump seriously. I believed he was running for President as a stunt for his businesses to increase brand recognition and I was sure he was trying to sabotage his election chances by his behavior. ,I really did not want to vote for Donald Trump. But the Democrats gave us Hillary.
To be honest had Hillary Clinton been the nominee in 2008 I would have voted for her over McCain. McCain was an idiot. Sure he was a hero but he was not Presidential material and most folks realized that. He proved it when he decided to forgo a debate to rush back to Washington to help solve the financial crisis like a solution would not be found without him and if he was there then he could solve it in a few hours. That move really made him look foolish.
Hillary had eight years to build herself up and prove that she was the person for the job and that America got it wrong in choosing Obama over her. The election of 2016 was hers to lose. But instead of proving herself capable she only succeeded in showing America she was incompetent and was not willing to admit she could have done things better. I remember Obama wanting Bush to admit his mistakes as President and he had nothing to say, If Hillary had admitted she could have handled the situation better then she could have been seen as human and honest but she denied any wrong doing thereby showing us that she was not only not willing to admit weaknesses but willing to lie about her competence. Her attitude during the campaign was dismissive, especially towards Trump. and she showed America that she cared more about being President than she did about the truth and cared more about herself than she did anyone else.
The way she behaved was the fuel Trump needed to get elected because he was everything she was not. There have been some great men hold that office like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Dwight David Eisenh0wer, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and it was clear that
neither Hillary nor Donald could stand in that company. To me it came down to electing one that was clearly insane versus one that was just mentally unstable. I really hoped the parties would admit they made a mistake and asked for a do over to nominate viable candidates.
I really toyed with the idea of a write in candidate or the third party candidate because I could not see voting for either Trump or Hillary. I wished there was an against button instead of just a for button. My mind was not totally made up of how to vote until Miley Cyrus said she would leave the country if Trump won. No, I'm not a Trump supporter but he has proven himself to be a much better President than one would have thought. The truth is Trump did not beat Hillary; she beat herself.
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