Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Spiders and secirity cameras

  My house is surrounded by security cameras and one camera in particular is loved by spiders.  The camera shows my two cars parked under the carport, the driveway and the mailbox.  This is an important area.  I once has someone back over my mailbox and some one else pushed by neighbors ATM down into the creek bed that runs beside the drive.  This camera, had I had it in place, would have captured these incidences.
   For years spiders have been building webs around this camera but the spider in residence this year has out done all of the predecessors.  The web now is directly over the lens inside the lens cover and effectively blocks the view.  I sprayed poison yesterday and cleaned the lens with a broom but to now avail.  I will make another attempt to encourage the spider to move on later today.

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