Prostate cancers treatment is more complicated than I thought it would be. First of all, there are too many choices, or options , if you will. After the initial counseling session during which a doctor lays out your treatment options and answers questions. Next I will need an MRI. Not every patient receives an MRI. In early stage MRI are not given. In fact doctors may do nothing but watch for years before a choice has to be made. also, if a patients life expectancy is less than 10 years chances are there will be no treatment.
In my case, the MRI will determine exactly where the cancer is in my body and if it has spread. Based on the results, I will make my final choice of treatment options. Then I will begin a series of hormone shots to help reduce the size of the prostrate thereby making the radiations treatment more effective if my preference for treatment is used.
In any case this procedure is going to take awhile, is going to bring about so undesired changes, at least for awhile, and will require many treatments. It could involve up to a years worth of shots and then 40 radiation treatments and tests every three months.
If the cancer has not spread outside of the prostate I have a chance. If it has then my odds are greatly reduced.
When I was young I always thought that healthy habits were only for older folks and that I had plenty of time to live healthier once I got older. I have learned that eating and living healthy lifestyles begins when one is young. We are all going to die but what we do throughout our lives has a big impact on how well we function when we get older and what we suffer from. I know a few people in their nineties that do better physically than many people in their sixties and seventies.
There are some decisions we think we can make later: exercising, healthy diets and living for Christ. Often times by the time we really need to exercise our knees are bad, our back hurts or we are just too fat to do much of anything. I have seen many people with diabetes eating stacks of deserts are buffets and who are way overweight. Don't complain that your diabetes is out of control while stuffing your face.
Putting off making that positive decision for Christ is one of the worst things we can do. None of knows how or when we will die. I know of some that thought they would put off living for Christ until they got old but when that time came they had dementia and could no longer make any kind of decision. 50,000 people and more die in automobile accidents each year. For those that had not accepted Christ, it is now too late. That thought they had many more years to live, much more time before they had to accept Christ. Just like avoiding heart disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer, the process begins when we are young. Waiting too long can be deadly.
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