Larissa Green, the pastor's wife, did an awesome job as organizer and director, and announcer at VBS at Academy Street Baptist. She dressed as Wonder Woman and her husband, Pastor Anthony Green played Bible Man. Al Davis was Lex Liar. The kids had fun, learned some scripture, and made their own super hero costumes. My role was simple to sit there. I believe my official title was monitor and I did have to get involved the first nighty at the bouncy house but for all the rest of VBS I got to sit in the air conditioned sanctuary and talk with the registrar (who is my wife) when she wasn't busy.
Normally this isn't a role I take to easily as I like to be involved and active but the church is getting a new playground set for the kids and the old one needed to be gone before the new one could be installed. I volunteered to do that job. It was really hot outside, Tuesday I couldn't get started until noon because I had a doctors appointment that morning. I did get an early jump Wednesday but after a couple of hours things were starting to heat up quickly.
Being able to sit quietly in the air conditioned sanctuary was a real pleasure. From Sunday night on the first night of VBS when I watched the bouncy house until the last 5 minutes of VBS I had nothing to do. But what a joy those last few minutes were. One of the kids wanted to know more about Christ so I took him aside and a few minutes later he accepted Christ as his savior. I later learned that two of the girls became Christians also.
The kid I talked with, Noah, is a smart kid and there was no doubt that he fully understood the decision he was making. Being aware of the presence of God and to watch Him work is amazing. Studies have proven that people who are prayed for, whether believers or not, recovery from surgery and serious illnesses faster and better than those who are not prayed for., As scripture points out, you see not because you believe not. These are not ordinary circumstances that happen to ordinary people who interpret things in a supernatural way but extraordinary things that happen to ordinary people because they believed in and trusted God.
It is among my greatest joys in this life to be part of the life altering experience of this young boy during VBS. Praise be to God Almighty.
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