Monday, July 30, 2018

One Week After Surgery

  Everyone was surprised to see me at church Wednesday night but I figured if I had to get up and walk the hospital hallways the day of surgery and again the following morning then there was no legitimate excuse  for not walking the shorter distance from the car to the church. It really bugs me the excuses people use to stay home from church. I.e., a lady sprained her ankle Saturday night and her husband stayed home from church both services to take care of her.
  Anyway, I didn't go  to church to show off or to find things to criticize but to worship my savior and it was a really good service.
   Friday I had my first bowel moment and I feel like Hunter from Hill Street Blues.  I had one Saturday that was more water than mud.  The one this morning was more solid.
   I took one pain pill yesterday before heading to the morning services and haven't taken one since.  Everything went as planned yesterday and I had no unpleasant incidences until after I retired.  Somewhere around midnight one of my tubes became disconnected and I woke up a soggy mess.  I stripped my bed, fixed the problem, cleaned myself up, and slept on the recliner until breakfast.
   I was fortunate that when I purchase my new mattress I bought along with it several layers of mattress protection.  There is a 90 guarantee on the mattress but only if it is stain free so I wanted to insure the guarantee stayed in force.
   It is really surprising how quickly most of the pain has gone away.  My blood sugar is settling back towards normal and my appetite has finally begun to return.  My pancakes tasted a little too sweet yesterday morning but we went for Mexican at lunch and I enjoyed evert bit of it, including a heavy dose of my Texas Pete.  I skipped supper.
   The biggest thing I notice is that I tire easily and want to sleep more than usual.

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