Friday, August 10, 2018

Free apples

  Several of my apple trees produced this year but the trees are infected with cedar  apple rust, a disease I've been trying to find the solution for without success for several years now.  There are plenty of apples but they are small and most are deformed.  The taste is good though.
   I suppose the best use of these apples would be for deer bait.  I don't deer hunt and the woods surrounding my neighborhood are full of deer but my health won't allow me to pick the apples myself.  If anyone would like to come pick them you are welcomed to.  No charge.
   I'm seriously considering cutting the trees down as the disease seems impossible to control and they block the sunlight from my peach trees and cause brown rot.
Also, I know some craftsmen like apple wood for some of their crafts so I will have some available.  

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