Friday, August 03, 2018

One Step forward, two steps back

   We have all had days in which we feel we are making no progress and somethings feel as if we are going backwards.  Well, that is me this week.  I was excited Monday when the tubing in my body was removed even though I am unable to exercise full control of my bladder, I have learned how to dress to minimize the effects and am doing my exercises to strengthen the necessary muscles to regain control.
  I took my first shower Tuesday Morning and it felt so good to be clean from top to bottom. Things were fine that first day.  Wednesday  after I got dressed I noticed a wet spot on my shirt.  I couldn't remember splashing water on myself but thought that must have been what happened so I continued with putting on my socks and shoes.  Once I was fully dressed I noticed the wet spot had grown larger.  I pulled up my shirt and noticed that a stream of liquid was squirting from one of the incisions on my left side so I grabbed a change of clothes and headed to the Emergency Department at the Salisbury VA.
  It was 8 am when I left home and I was released from the ED at 3:30, catheter back in place in addition to another bag attached to my side.  If that wasn't miserable enough, I  arrived home just in time to change into my church clothes.  I was leading the services.  It had been my plans to spent part of the day putting the finishing details on my message. Even though the main body of my message was one of the best of my life, I realized I had not had sufficient time to work out the close so I just had to stop.
  Even though I had made notes,    I looked at them only once and decided I was fine without them.  Although my message was briefer than normal and without a sufficient closing statement, I do believer it was a powerful message and the small congregation was visually moved, some to tears.   God has a way of taking the inadequate and making something significant from it and He did so with that message Wednesday.
  Today I am heading to the Salisbury VA again to have what was installed Wednesday removed so maybe, I can start the healing process in earnest today.

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