I have a facebook page that is open to everyone but I have strict standards to post on it or for a post to remain on it if you decide to post anyway. No, profanity, sex, or politics. It doesn't matter if I agree with you politically or not, your political post can't stay up. Of course there are a few posts that I may view differently than others do ,and someone may say 'you left their political post up" and I may have saw it as something else.
The main reason I don't like political posts is not that I don't want to know the views of your party because actually I do but because most political posts no days are not "pro" a position but negative against the opposition. For eight years I heard about impeaching Bill Clinton and about investigations into his activities, even those before he became President. Then for eight more years I heard about how stupid George Bush was and how he stole the election and how he got out of serving his country and then for the next eight years all we heard about was how Obama wasn't a real American and talk about impeachment and now for the past three years all we have heard about was impeachment talk about Donald Trump.
To people of both parties: stop fighting. Two people can disagree and not fight or call each other names or threaten to put each other in jail. We did it for many decades in this country and we can do it again. How can America lead the world when we can't even lead our own country.
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