Saturday, June 15, 2019

Abortion should be legal

  Back in the days of illegal abortion when back alley doctors performed this function for desperate women, society viewed pregnancy out of wedlock much different than it does today.  When a teenager became pregnant then, they were forced to drop out of high school and often were sent to live with a distant relative so neither the girl nor the family would be embarrassed.  
   In today's American men and women seem to be proud of having alternative lifestyles and open relationships and being pregnant and unmarried holds no stigma, at least in most social circles.  In times past, even in the early days of legalized abortion, it was acceptable only when the woman was raped, had been the victim of incest, or her life or the life of the child was in question.   Now, it seems, that just being pregnant and not wanting to be is good enough reason for an abortion.
   I do not want to return to the days of all abortions being illegal but I sure would like to see the number of abortions drop dramatically.  Most people are smart enough to know how to become pregnant and how to prevent pregnancy,  Women claim they should have the right to an abortion because it is their body and it is their right to control their body.  I agree but they should have controlled the situation before becoming pregnant.
  I do believe that a returning to the worship of Almighty God, bible study, deep meaningful prayer, and being active in one's church would increase responsible behavior and greatly reduce the desire for an abortion.

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