Sunday, June 30, 2019

Enjoying my yard: Garden News for 2019

  No pictures to share but just an update on my yard, version 2019.  Last year I removed my blackberry and grape vines and cut down all but two of my apple trees to make my yard care chores much easier.  It is harder to mow around thing than one might at first imagine so removing some obstacles has greatly reduced the amount of time I spend mowing each week.
   I have added some things to the yard though.  I planted three more peach trees and a cherry tree but these were planted so as not to interfere with mowing,  I needed the cherry tree as my big one needs a pollinator.  I also planted a daylily garden but I did this by digging a trench on the outside of my central flower bed (my rock garden)    so it actually makes mowing easier.  My wild flower garden is gorgeous this year with the wide variety of flowers and colors.  My tomato garden really looks good this year.
   I added some English Ivy and a hummingbird vine to my privacy fence to give it more privacy and some character.  Hopefully it will add some shade to my pond to help reduce algae growth.  I succeeded in propagating a new butterfly bush and a new hibiscus bush and I had a grape vine come up on it's own right beside my privacy fence where I needed a vine to grow.
  Now that the flowers have filled in the spaces and structures that added to my work load have been removed and soil conditions have vastly improved due to diligence and hard work, I am relaxing more and really enjoying my yard this year more than ever.  Blooming started in December and it has been like a wave of colors from the back yard to the front, back and forth.  At the moment, Daisey's and Cone flowers and wild flowers are carrying the colors in my yard forth into the summer months.
  Planting season is over so now I can sit back, relax and enjoy.

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