I did not vote for Obama so we can get that out in the open to begin with. I also was not a supporter of John McCain, and certainly my loyalties did not lie with the likes of John Edwards. I voted libertarian in the NC governors race. I voted for the people I believed could get the job done, whose views were closer to mine own, and whose motivations seemed to be more about principals or people than power.
I didn't back many winners this time.
The nation is still not doing well.
Maybe there is a connection.
Maybe not.
Did the fact that Obama is black play a part in my decision not to vote for him?
Yes, it did. So was the fact that Clinton was a female and John McCain couldn't lift his arms above his head. An insignificant part. Much more important to me was the candidates ability to get the job done. McCain appeared foolish while Obama remained cool, collected and arrogant as always.
I didn't hear the speech that got the Democrats so excited about Obama four years (five now) ago when Kerry ran. Obama put on a hell of a show at his convention and promised a new was of doing business in Washington and change I could believe in. Except I couldn't.
Washington is to set in its way for a brash young political neophyte to change it much if at all. I didn't believe he could change the way of doing business and so far he has proved me correct on that point.
I did believe he would try to redistribute the wealth-like Robin Hood, only legit-taking from the rich and giving to the poor. I was one of those poor that would be in on the receiving part. But the truth is, I'd rather make it own my own than have anyone give it to me. And if he was taking from the rich, that meant that the more he took to give to the poor the less motivation there was to become rich and the less motivation there was to quit being poor.
I didn't like that either.
John Kennedy was a good speech maker. Everyone wants to be a John Kennedy. He wasn't really a good President. He failed at the Bay of Pigs. failed in Vietnam. and would have been impeached if he had not been shot first. He just couldn't keep his pants on. The only Kennedy I liked was Robert.
Obama appears to me to be to filled up with himself, as if he really does believe that he walks on water. He is going to admit missteps during his upcoming speech. he took to long to get his agenda rammed down America's throat.
I think his mistake is in trying to get too much done, too fast, without giving us a chance to understand what was going on. Government did not put our health care insurance system together. Necessity and private enterprise did. It is a hodgepodge of business practices and state laws that is not always good for everyone or anyone. We don't need the US government to redone an entire system for us. We just need some tweaking to work out the kinks and make the system work better.
I never bought into the arguments that he should not be President because of his religion or country of origin or skin color. He has every right to be President as did George Washington and George Bush. I did not vote for him to we could have our first black President and prove to the world we are not prejudice any more than Clinton deserved my vote to prove we were a liberated people who gives equal create to mean and women. I didn't give my vote to John McCain because he was a war hero and deserved our sympathy or graditude.
For the first time in my life I didn't want either canidate to win. One had too. I'm not convinced we made the wrong choice among the two. But I am not convinced either, that we made the right choice.
I thought it interesting that Obama has been advised to stay the course and stick to his agenda and not do anything so radical as listening to the American people.
Wow! What advise for an American President to receive. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35094828/ns/politics-the_new_york_times
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