Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wash the foot first

That idiot preacher has inserted his foot in his mouth again. I've written him several times and he used to respond but he ignores me now. He has not said anything newsworthy in several years now but his idiocy could not be kept underwraps for long.

He sure does make it hard for a person to hold their head up while claiming to be a Christian. He has to be an embarrassment to believers everywhere.

If you do not know what preacher I am talking about, good, because the less people who hear what he said the better off the world is. If you agree with what the man said, stop and leave my blog as I only want intelligent people reading here.


Dr Mary Johnson said...

I bet it was great for his ratings.

dsprl2000 said...

He is old and he had his shot at President and was soundly defeated.
(I could believe God had a hand in that!)

What is so infuriating about what this man says is he keeps on doing the same stupid thing over and over and if one was to believe him, one would have to accept that he was either listening to the conversation (between God, the Devil, and/ or whomever) or was party to it.

Not only is this last statement assinine but also insinuates that God is no longer in control.

The most frightning thing is the sheer number of people who have dogmagtic opninions and seem to get angerier the more they express those opinions.

There is no holding a conversation with people like that.